Month: May 2006

Are You Willing To Step Into The Unknown With God? Part 52

Some call it a crisis of faith. Others call it a crossroads. But at some point in our lives each of us will choose whether to follow God or take another path.

When We Follow God's Lead, We End Up In Places Greater Than We Ever Imagined Part 51

Following Christ is an adventure! When your journey with Christ begins, you don’t always know where He will take you. God often reveals His plan only one step at a time.

Stories Of Courageous Men And Women Of Faith Part 50

When you hear the word courage, what comes to mind? The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines courage as “mental or moral strength to persevere, and withstand danger, fear, or difficulty.” Sometimes the call to faith is one that takes tenacity.

God Will Faithfully Stand By His People Part 49

Whether you’re a stay-at-home mom, in the business world, or working at a church, God has called you to minister to those around you. It’s not an easy calling . . . you will run into plenty of opposition along the way.

The Life-changing Outcomes That Occur When We Respond To God's Calling Part 48

The decisions we make not only affect us . . . but they affect the people around us as well. It’s the same when we follow God’s call for our lives. Discerning and acting on the will of God will impact your family, friends, and co-workers.

The Difficulties In Following God's Call Part 47

Being called by God to make a change in our lives isn’t always easy. Usually it requires us to move out of our comfort zone and into the unknown. It’s a challenge we all face as followers of Christ.

Reconciling Our Humanness To Our Being Made New In Christ Part 46

When we become a part of God’s family, we have a new allegiance . . . a new outlook on life. How do we deal with the dilemma that although we are made new in Christ, we are still human and make mistakes?

Abandoning Our Way . . . For God's Way Part 45

It takes more than an intellectual decision or even deep-felt emotion to follow Christ. It takes action. When God calls you somewhere, it’s the Christian’s responsibility to follow where He leads.


When We Trust God's Plan, We Find Hope To Carry Us Through Life Part 44

Jeremiah 29:11 states “ ‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘. . . plans to give you a hope and a future.’ ” This is not an idle promise.


The Rewards Are Plentiful When We Rely On God's Provision Part 43

In an era of fast food, drive thru ATMs, and cell phones . . . waiting is not a popular pastime. And yet, God often asks us to wait on His timing for things to occur. Whether it’s awaiting the fulfillment of a promise, or anticipating His direction for your life . . . God’s timing is perfect.

How The Use Of Hyperbole Brings The Bible To Life In A Whole New Way Part 42

The literary term “hyperbole” means extravagant exaggeration. The Bible uses hyperbole to help us understand God’s promises. Difficult to imagine? 

What It Means To Worship The One True God At All Times--not Just On Sunday Morning Part 41

When we’re in church on Sunday it’s easy to “feel” worshipful . . . but does our sense of worship carry through the entire week? Or do we leave what we learned from the pulpit at the doors of the church as we head to Sunday brunch?

The Importance Of Worshiping The One True God And Worshiping Him Alone Part 40

While we may not have a statue of Aphrodite in our homes in the hopes of gaining true love . . . other forms of idol worship can find their way into our lives. The Scriptures warn us not to place our focus on money, success, or materialism.

Explore Ways To Bring Your Faith Into Everyday Living Part 39

A vibrant, authentic, faith is something we all want. But how do we get it? Sometimes it’s hard to put the words we hear on Sunday morning into action in our lives.

How To Respond With Grace To Those Who Oppose Christianity Part 38

In this world of increasing options, Christians are sometimes looked upon as being intolerant of other walks of faith. Solid counsel on how to respond with grace to those who oppose Christianity.

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