Month: May 2006

An Insightful Look At Christianity Part 37

Historically, many cultures believed there were multiple gods. But Deuteronomy 6:4 states “The Lord our god, the Lord is one.” Thus the God of the Bible stands out as the only true God. What makes the one true God stand out among the counterfeits?

Developing Your Relationship With God Part 36

The Christian life is a process. Sometimes it seems like we’re taking baby steps in our journey of faith. But God honors those steps and welcomes us no matter what stage we’re in. 


Abraham's Legacy Of Faith Part 35

Faith comes with a measure of uncertainty. Stepping out on faith in God often puts you at risk of entering the unknown. But Abraham of the Old Testament shows us that when God calls us, obedience to that call is the best option.

How Faith In One God Affects Our Daily Lives Part 34

In our culture, it’s not unusual to see the pursuit of money or security become the focus of a person’s life. In some cases, these wholesome desires become obsessions. While many things are worthwhile, they certainly don’t deserve our worship!

With God's Help Your Faith Can Grow To Be Strong And Thriving Part 33

Matthew 17:20 says, “If you have faith as small as a mustard seed . . . nothing will be impossible for you.” A mustard plant starts out as a tiny seed . . . but grows into a flourishing tree. Faith can do the same.

God Wants To Know Each Of Us Personally Part 32

Take a moment to think about your closest friend. How did you meet? What mutual interests drew you together? A look at our interactions with family and friends can act as a springboard to defining our relationship with God.

A Practical Look At Facing Trials Part 31

One of the most defining moments in a person’s life is making it through a seemingly impossible situation. The trials we face mold us into the men and women we are meant to be. Overcoming difficulties helps us mature as followers of God.

God Often Places Challenges In Our Path To Bring Us Closer To Him Part 30

Change is difficult. It usually involves leaving our comfort zone and moving into uncharted territory. At times God calls us to leave our secure environment so that we learn to place our security in Him.

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