Wednesday, November 7, 2007

By Faith... the Judges, Part 19 of 62

TEXT: "What more shall I say? For the time would fail me to tell of Gideon and Barak and Samson and Jephthah, also of David and Samuel and the prophets" (Hebrews 11:32).

IDEA: People of faith were never “perfect” people, but they were people that God used.

PURPOSE: To help listeners realize that God looks at our faith rather than at our failures.

In Hebrews 11:32, the writer lists a group of judges without any comment except that they were examples of faith.

What does the Bible mean in calling them “judges”? What did they do?

Where are the accounts found in the Old Testament? Tell me about that section called “Judges” in the Old Testament.

I. Does it surprise you when you look at the list of people who could be called “examples of reclaimed failures”?

Most of those on the list could be called “examples of reclaimed failures.”

Look at the entire list and think of the people who were strange exhibits for the “honor roll of faith” or the Hall of Faith.” Were the people selected for their character or for their good reputation? On what basis were they selected?

Why do you think “faith” is so important?

II. One of the judges the writer mentions is Samson.

When you think of Samson, what comes to mind? His strength

Can you think of any episode during his life that demonstrates his great faith?

What episode do we think of when we think of Samson’s faith?

Was that episode an example of his great strength in the service of his faith?

III. Samson is an example of a strong man made weak and then a weak man made strong.

What is the vision of God that we get as we look at Samson’s life?

What is the “depravity factor” that we see at work in Samson?

Does that have anything to do with us today?