Month: November 2007

Does The Bible Advocate Befriending People Of Other Religious Convictions? Part 36

How far should we go in trying to evangelize those who chose a different faith walk than our own?

God May Have A Larger Plan In Motion For You Part 35

When we disobey God, why doesn’t He punish us on the spot? You’d think that would be the quickest way to keep us in line!

A Look At Samson’s Downfall -- His Demise Was Fully Influenced By The Company He Kept Part 34

Growing up, your mother always said to choose your friends wisely. And when you became a parent . . . you remind your kids to do the very same thing.

The Important Topic Of Compromise As We Explore The Fascinating Life Of Samson Part 33

Compromise is a slippery slope. One small infraction leads to another and another . . . and pretty soon you’re compromising everything you once held dear. Feel caught in the trap of a few poor choices in your life?

A Fascinating Dialogue On The Life Of Samson Part 32

Love is a wonderful thing. But if we’re not careful, the wrong kind of relationship can pull us away from our devotion to God. At times, love can be deceiving . . . and lead us away from the God we need most.

Examining The Ancient Story Of Samson And Delilah Part 31

Betrayal is devastating. Especially when it comes from someone you love. Perhaps you’ve been the victim of someone’s disloyalty.

Even As Adults, We Can Fall Into The Trap Of Taking Advantage Of God’s Grace Part 30

We try to teach our children the difference between right and wrong. But when they disobey without consequence, our kids assume they can get away with anything!

Does The Biblical Doctrine Of Grace Give Us License To Behave As We Please? Part 29

A major facet of the Christian life is embracing God’s grace . . . and believing grace fully covers all our sin.


The Factual Account Of Samson And The Relevance It Holds For Us Today Part 28

When we read the sensational stories in the Bible, sometimes it’s tempting to brush them off as mere fiction . . . rather than accept them as historic events.

Examining 2 Corinthians 12:10, Which Says: “when I Am Weak, Then I Am Strong.” Part 27

There’s an innate desire in each of us to do things on our own. And it’s difficult to admit when we can’t accomplish something in our own strength!

The Nature Of Temptation . . . And The Tempter Behind It Part 26

Temptation is like a fire . . . if you don’t touch it, you won’t get burned. But it isn’t easy to turn our backs on those things that entice us!

Wondering If God Can Use You? Part 25

Even when we make mistakes, we can trust God to make something good out of our situation. Discover the ways God takes our poor choices and turns them into building blocks for accomplishing His purpose.

Samson – A Man Who Made Poor Decisions Over And Over Again . . . And Yet Was Used Mightily By God Part 24

God has a purpose for your life. And He’s working through events and people to accomplish that purpose.  

Continuing Our In-depth Study Of The Life Of Samson Part 23

We all have a desire to choose our own path in life . . . and yet it often feels like our direction or circumstances were forced upon us.

A Biblical Account Of Samson And His Parents Part 22

That cute little bundle in blue will one day stand before you as a man. Whether he’s two, ten, or twenty . . . as his parent, it’s your job to prepare him for manhood.

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