The Spiritual Legacy We Leave Our Children Part 20
As a parent, we want to pass along our faith and beliefs to our children. But that’s not an easy task! Concerned you’re not getting the right message through to your kids?
A Continuing In-depth Look At What It Means To Live A Life Of Faith Part 19
We may not have a perfect track record . . . but we can choose right now to believe God. That’s the essence of faith . . . believing God will keep His promises.
A Reminder That God Values Each One Of Us . . . In Spite Of Our Mistakes And Mishaps Part 18
It’s easy to think the faithful men and women in the Bible were perfect saints. And yet, if you read their stories closely, you see they were imperfect people just like you and me.
Wondering If Your Faith Can Make A Difference? Part 17
If faith is the substance of things unseen, is it possible to recognize a life of faith in a tangible way? Take a moment to look back at how faith is distinguished in the lives of men and women just like you and me.
It Takes Courage To Serve God In A Role You Aren’t Satisfied With Part 16
Perhaps you were laid off unfairly, or were passed up for the promotion you expected. Or maybe your work at home has grown tedious.
Practical Tools For Honing Your Leadership Skills Part 15
Not all of us are born leaders. For some, hiding in the crowd is much more appealing than guiding a team or company on to greater heights.