Month: January 2008

An Illustration Of God’s Incredible Grace To His Undeserving People Part 7

No matter what you’ve experienced . . . no matter what choices you’ve made . . . God can use you right now. Let's take an insightful look at the life of Samuel.

Let’s Examine The Life Of Samuel Part 6

Have you ever been passed up for a promotion? Perhaps you’ve been displaced by someone younger or with different qualifications. If you’ve ever felt the pain of rejection . . . you’ll appreciate the way Samuel handles this very situation.

The Enormous Privilege We Have In Speaking To God Part 5

To those of us in the twenty-first century, prayer is a common occurrence. But in Old Testament times, meeting with God was a sacred act that few were allowed to do. 

The Importance Of Symbolism In The Christian Faith Part 4

The cross has become a symbol of salvation to people of the Christian faith. But is it possible to put more faith in the symbol of the cross than in the God behind it? 

A Fascinating Discussion About The Life Of Samuel Part 3

God often uses an older man or woman to shape our character and help us grow up. Perhaps you’re in a place of influence. Hear an authentic conversation about making a positive impact. 

Explore The Extraordinary Life Of An Ordinary Man, Samuel Part 2

It’s in the daily grind where trusting God is the most difficult. Do you have the strength to trust God in good times and bad?

By Faith… Samuel

Programs in Series 10

In this series of conversations, the Discover the Word group of Haddon Robinson, Alice Mathews,…

A Helpful Conversation About Strengthening Your Faith Part 1

Trusting God may sound noble, but when things get difficult it’s easier said than done! This is evident in the life of Samuel . . . an ancient leader who followed God with integrity in good times and bad.

Faith Is A Matter Of The Head And The Heart Part 62

Everyone believes something about God, even if they choose not to believe in Him. What we believe about God governs our actions and thoughts.

How Can We Trust God When He Seems So Mysterious To Us, And Even Unknown? Part 61

We'll answer this question as we talk about Jephthah . . . an obscure Old Testament character that God honored for his strong faith.

When Our Perception Of God Is Wrong, Our Choices Are Affected Part 60

Without a solid foundation of Bible knowledge, our view of God can be tainted. Let's look at the story of Jephthah in the Old Testament. A man whose wrong understanding of God cost him the life of his daughter.

Having The Right Understanding Of God Is Extremely Important Part 59

How do you picture God? Is He involved in your life? Or a distant observer? 

A Man Who Made An Outrageous Vow To God . . . With Devastating Consequences Part 58

When times are tough and the light at the end of the tunnel is dim, people tend to make deals with God. Bargaining, if God gets them through it then they will . . . fill in the blank. 

A Much-debated Passage Of Scripture About A Man Who Made A Rash Vow To God Part 57

What you think of God shapes the choices you make throughout your life. And when your view of God isn’t based on truth, the results can be devastating. 

Sometimes People Do Rash Things In The Name Of Faith Part 56

The Bible story of Jephthah has sparked intense debate over the years. Let's get to the heart of the question . . . how could this man sacrifice his own child to please God?

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