Month: April 2008

A Step-by-step Guide To Getting The Most Out Of The Bible Part 46

The Bible is God’s Word to people, but sometimes, it’s difficult to know how to study the Scriptures on your own.

How We Apply The Bible To Our Lives Affects Our Outlook On Life Part 45

Perhaps you’ve heard the axiom, “Attitude is everything.” Learn how to enhance your quiet time with God.

Practical Tools For Digging Deeper Into God’s Word Part 44

Just as schoolchildren learn how to enhance their study time for class, we can get more out of our study of the Bible by applying helpful disciplines, too.

How To Respond To Biblical Disagreements Part 43

From time to time we’ve all had disagreements with other people who believe the Bible, but see it differently than we do. Discover a dose of patience and perspective.

Can The Bible Mean Different Things To Different People? Part 42

People studying the Bible don’t always come to the same conclusions about what they’ve read. Perhaps you’re struggling with a passage that’s been interpreted various ways.

Find Helpful Tools For Interpreting The Scriptures And Applying Them To Your Daily Life Part 41

Understanding the Bible is essential to the life of a follower of Christ. Continue an in-depth series on how to understand and interpret the Bible.

Examine The Pros And Cons Of Some Popular Bible Study Tools Part 40

Being a student of the Bible is essential for the follower of Christ. But even the most knowledgeable scholar occasionally comes across a difficult passage.

How The Bible Uses Various Forms Of Speech To Communicate Part 39

The art of language has developed over the years, and yet, there are key styles of communicating that go back centuries. Story-telling, figurative speech, and exaggeration, all are forms of language we use daily.

Practical Tools For Understanding And Interpreting The Bible Accurately Part 38

It’s easy to misinterpret biblical passages when we don’t have a solid understanding of how to study the Bible. We may miss out on the very thing God wants to teach us!

Tools To Help Us Interpret And Understand The Figurative Language Used In Scripture Part 37

Our everyday conversations are filled with figurative language. But many of us hesitate when we get to the figurative language in the Bible.

How To Accurately Interpret The Figurative Language Used In The Bible Part 36

We use figurative speech all the time to help emphasize a point we’re trying to get across. We’d recognize a touch of exaggeration in a statement like “She’s been gone forever,” and interpret it without hesitation.

The Use Of Figurative Language In The Bible, And How To Interpret It Effectively Part 35

When you hear the expression “It’s raining cats and dogs,” you don’t run to the window expecting to see animals falling from the sky! It’s just a figure of speech—common to our modern English language.

Take An Honest Look At God’s Grace-filled Work Through His People Part 34

So often we think God can’t use us because of all the mistakes we’ve made. And yet, the Bible has countless examples of ordinary, imperfect people used by a holy God.

Bible Narratives . . . How To Interpret And Apply Them To Our Lives Part 33

Is the Bible a history book . . . showing us only what’s past? Or can the lessons in the Scriptures be as current as today’s newspaper?

How To See The Broader Context Of What The Bible Has To Say Part 32

So often we read the Bible in segments. We memorize a few verses or read a single story, but don’t connect the dots with the rest of the book.

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