Month: August 2008

What Do You Do When You See Someone The World Considers An Outcast? Part 10

Part of our mandate as followers of God is to love the unlovely. A discussion on this important and sensitive topic.

Are You Putting Too Much Stock In What Others Think Of You? Part 9

The Bible says that people look at outward appearance, but God looks at the heart. Let's take part in a dramatic rendering of one of Jesus’ parables.

Developing A Heart And Attitude That Honors God Part 8

Whether you’ve been a follower of God for many years, or just recently begun a relationship you’ve probably learned that your lifestyle should reflect your love and devotion to Jesus.

Grappling With The Truth That You Can’t Serve Two Masters Part 7

It’s not easy to keep our focus on God in a materialistic world screaming for our attention and devotion. Perhaps you’ve lost focus on God’s plan in the daily-ness of life.

A Serious Discussion About What Determines Our Eternal Home Part 6

When you’re on your deathbed will you have complete confidence in where you’re going after you die? How faith in God while we’re on earth determines our eternal home.

Discover How A Single Life-altering Decision Determines Our Eternal Home Part 5

Each one of us is given the choice to follow God, or turn away from Him.

A Lively Discussion About Heaven And Hell, And How Our Decisions Impact Our Future Part 4

Do our actions here on earth affect our eternal resting place?

When You See Someone In Need, Do You Come To Their Rescue, Or Turn The Other Way? Part 3

Reflect on a familiar New Testament story. In a culture that looks down on those less fortunate, followers of God have a higher calling.

Find Out How The Scriptures Should Impact Our Lives Each Day Part 2

This world values wealth and affluence, but God’s Word teaches a counter-cultural principle. Our earthly possessions have nothing to do with our standing before God!

The Rich Man and Lazarus

Programs in Series 28

Discover the Word's Haddon Robinson says that one of the amazing things about Jesus' parables…

A Thought-provoking Presentation On A Familiar Parable Of Jesus Part 1

In today’s culture, the successful and wealthy are held in highest esteem. And, in contrast, those with very little, who have no acclaim, are often overlooked.

Discover Help For Your Marriage Whether You’re Young Or Old Part 15

The past few weeks has been an important and sensitive discussion on the biblical blueprint for marriage. You won’t want to miss the final discussion on this delicate and practical topic.

How To Apply The One-flesh Principle To Your Marriage Part 14

In a discussion about building a strong and vibrant marriage, Alice Mathews said . . . “Strong partners operate together. You’re in sync together, and you don’t do things to hurt the other part of the body.”

The Critical And Sensitive Issue Of Becoming “one Flesh” Part 13

According to the Bible, becoming “one flesh” in marriage is not purely physical. It includes relating to your husband or wife outside the physical realm. As Alice Mathews put it “Becoming one flesh includes loving your spouse as you love your own body.”

Discover The Meaning Of The Biblical Mandate To Become “one Flesh” Part 12

A sensitive, but important discussion why becoming “one flesh” is an essential dimension to God’s blueprint for marriage.

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