Month: July 2009

Discover How To Steer Clear Of Those Dangerous Situations That Lead Us Into Sin Part 38

Each one of us faces temptation of some sort. It may be a certain kind of food we can’t resist, a store we love to shop in, or something heavier, that causes us to fall into sin.

How The Involuntary Responses We Have Reveal Attitudes In Our Heart Part 37

If you’ve ever overreacted to something, and regretted it later, you’ve probably spent some time trying to figure out why you lost control.

Discover The Difference Between Our Attitudes And Actions, And How They Affect Our Relationship With God Part 36

It’s the matters of the heart, the stuff no one else sees, that are most important to God.

What It Means To Have True Freedom, Even From The Accumulation Of Stuff Part 35

The apostle Paul tells us in Romans chapter eight that as children of God we have glorious freedom from the things that have held us in bondage. It’s part of our series on the tenth commandment, thou shall not covet.

What Does It Mean To Have Freedom In Relationships? Part 34

Do we have permission to do or say anything we want? What kind of boundaries need to be set? Engage in a lively discussion about relationships.

The Story Of A Man Who Sets His Sights On More, And Ends Up Losing Everything Part 33

How much wealth does a man need? How much influence or respect? Is there a limit to the things we crave? An important message on the realities of greed.

The Importance Of Keeping A Godly Perspective On Wealth Part 32

Do we own possessions? Or do our possessions own us? Part of an in-depth study on the tenth commandment, “Thou shall not covet.”

How God Can And Will Meet Our Deepest Longings Part 31

There’s a deep hunger in our souls that can’t be satisfied by material possessions or even by the people we love. Feel like nothing will fill the void in your life?

Discover Why Only God Can Fill The Void In Our Lives Part 30

So often we try to fill the longing in our hearts with things. Stuff. We think, once I have that new job, or that new house, I’ll be satisfied. Only God can fill the void in our lives. Nothing else comes close.

Setting Ourselves Free, As We Improve The Attitude Of Our Heart Part 29

It’s not about what we have or don’t have. Or what we do, and don’t do. That’s a legalistic view of life.

The Profound Impact Of God’s Grace On Our Lives Part 28

No one is perfect. Even on a good day we fall well short of the mark. No, we’re not perfect, but there’s hope for us all!

Look At The Life Of Paul, A Man Who Appeared To Have It All Together, But Needed God’s Grace Part 27

No matter how hard we try, how perfect our life seems to appear, we all fall short of the mark.

Look To Scripture And Find Reassurance That God Will Meet Your Every Need Part 26

When it comes down to it, too much of our time is spent worrying about our daily needs. Keeping food on the table, clothes on our backs, and putting fuel in the gas tank.

A Prescription For Overcoming Worry Part 25

So many of us are prone to worry. We churn over our kids, our jobs, and our future. Let's look at Matthew 6, verse 24. Perhaps you’ve been anxious lately.

An Important Discussion About The Difficulties Of Serving Two Masters Part 24

There are only so many hours in a day. And when we have multiple things vying for our attention, it’s not always easy to say yes to one, and let the others go by.

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