Month: November 2009

How Often Do We Conduct A Checkup On Our Spiritual Health? Part 64

We go to the doctor for a yearly checkup as a preventative measure, but how often do we conduct a checkup on our spiritual health? Gain fresh insight from Luke chapter 15, and the parable of the prodigal son.

Is There A Critical Difference Between Self-respect And Self-righteousness? Part 63

God has gifted each one of us with talents and skills. But when we start comparing our gifts to those around us, we run the risk of becoming jealous, and sometimes proud.

Discover Practical Lessons On Life As We Continue The In-depth Study On The Prodigal Son Part 62

Have you ever been so uptight about following all the rules, and unintentionally hurt a good friend? A stringent legalistic approach can alienate the relationships we cherish most.

Find Out How The Quality Of Our Relationship With God Influences How We Engage With Others Part 61

An inspirational discussion about what it truly means to be in a right relationship with our Creator, and with those we love.

Cultivating A Right Perspective On Our Relationship With God And Others Part 60

Obedience to God represents far more than our allegiance to an arbitrary list of dos and don’ts. He wants a personal relationship with us!

The Importance Of Humility In Our Career, Our Achievements, And In All Our Relationships Part 59

Sometimes in the workplace, as we peer into the next cubicle, we feel a tinge of pride and even arrogance creep in. Receive more insight from our in-depth study on the Prodigal Son.

A Familiar Story, Told In A Most Unusual Way Part 58

We read and re-read portions of Scripture until we think we’ve drawn every possible application. And then we hear the story in a different context and find something new we’ve been missing all along! That’s what makes our study in God’s Word so vibrant and dynamic.

Enjoy A Dramatic Rendering Of Jesus’ Parable Of The Prodigal Son Part 57

There’s nothing quite like hearing a familiar story in a new way. This is the first part of a special presentation of Jesus’ parable of the prodigal son.

Discover Ways To Support Those Who Are Struggling In Their Walk Of Faith Part 56

As followers of God, we’re not only called to receive grace, but to extend it to others, as well.

An Honest Look At What The Redeemed Life Looks Like Part 55

What does it mean to become a follower of God? What are the requirements? Following a stringent list of rules? Well, the answer might surprise you.

Discover How God Welcomes All Sinners With Open Arms Part 54

When someone has hurt us, we’re wary about extending forgiveness too quickly. We put the relationship on hold until we can be certain we’re ready to move ahead. God welcomes all sinners with open arms, no matter how far we’ve strayed.

Find Practical Application For Families In The Parable Of The Prodigal Son Part 53

Ask any family in your neighborhood and you’ll be hard pressed to find one that isn’t riddled with relational challenges. Perhaps there’s an unmistakable distance between you and a family member right now.

Discover Practical Truths For Today In The Ancient Parable Of The Prodigal Son Part 52

So often we read a portion of Scripture and fail to see the underlying meaning in the passage. Let's dissect the ancient parable of the prodigal son, and find practical truths relevant to us centuries later.

Looking At The Dynamics Of A Family In Scripture, And The Parallels For Us Today Part 51

No family is perfect. Maybe you have lingering issues with your mom or dad, or perhaps there’s tension between you and a sibling that just won’t go away.

A Challenging Discussion Of What Truly Makes A Healthy Family Part 50

Most of us know what a dysfunctional family looks like. Our culture, our neighborhoods, bear the painful wounds from parents who carry their baggage from one generation into the next.

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