Month: December 2009

An Unconventional Christmas Series, That Will Impact How We Live Out Each Day Of The New Year Part 9

Conclusion of a thought provoking study on Titus chapter 2. It’s an unconventional Christmas series, that has profound impact on how we live out each day.

Discover The Way God’s Grace Blesses Our Lives Every Single Day Part 8

God’s gift of grace does more than give us peace about our past, and hope for our future. It changes the way we live today. Let's take a look at Titus chapter 2 and see how God grace blesses our lives.

What Offering Can We Give Back To God? Part 7

The holiday season is a special time to reflect on God’s generosity to us, expressed in the gift of His Son, Jesus Christ. Let's take gift-giving to the next level and discuss what we can give back to God.

Remembering The Greatest Gift Of All Part 6

So much of the Christmas season is about giving and receiving gifts. When you think back over the years, perhaps there’s a particularly special gift that comes to mind. It’s part of a discussion based on Titus chapter 2.

A Refreshing Perspective On Joy Part 5

At the heart of Christmas is a celebration of the hope we have in Jesus Christ. This Christmas Day, add some good ol’ fashioned cheer to your holiday! There’s good news ahead . . .

What The Term “advent” Means For Each Of Us Part 4

Christmastime is filled with anticipation. As children, we could hardly wait to find those gifts beneath the tree. But as adults, there’s something even better to look forward to. This Christmas Eve be filled with hope.

Enjoy A Special Christmas Miniseries Based On The Book Of Titus Part 3

No matter where you’ve been, or what you’ve done, God’s gift of salvation is available to all! And that’s good news! Let's celebrate God's grace extended to us.

The Beauty Of God’s Grace And Unconditional Love Toward Mankind Part 2

Christmas is a grand symbol of God’s grace, and the beauty of the unmerited favor He extends to all of us. It’s based on a study in Titus chapter 2.

At Christmas “The Grace of God Has Appeared”

Programs in Series 9

In this series of conversations for Christmas, the Discover the Word group turns to an…

A Refreshing Look At The Glory Of Christmas From The Book Of Titus Part 1

Christmas is far more than colorful packages and bows. It’s a reminder of God’s grace toward all mankind. Let's begin a new miniseries from the book of Titus.

The Conclusion Of The Powerful Series On The Parable Of The Prodigal Son Part 78

Let's examine the parable of the prodigal son, to find insight into our lives today, as we conclude this powerful series.

A Fascinating Discussion About Love And Grace Part 77

God’s gift of grace is extended to each of us. But sometimes we refuse to receive it! Let's examine our own hearts in light of the story of the prodigal son.

Do You Know What It Means To Be A Modern-day Pharisee? Part 76

Do you know someone who’s heavily invested in the rules of the Christian walk, and forgets about the affectionate relationship with the living God? Perhaps you’ve fallen into this trap a time or two!

Enjoying Your Relationship With The Living God Part 75

Do you ever find yourself going through the motions of faith? Perhaps participating out of duty, rather than out of love?

A Challenge To Rethink Our Perspective On Salvation Part 74

Salvation is a free gift to those who believe in Jesus Christ. But when we begin trying to earn God’s favor, our attitude changes from being a son or daughter of the King, to being an employee doing a day’s work.

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