Month: June 2010

Ruth’s remarkable step of faith and trust Part 23

Faith in God can take you to unexpected places. For Ruth, it meant moving to a foreign land, with no prospect of finding a husband or starting a family.

Ruth’s commitment to Naomi and the deep impact it would have on her life Part 22

Imagine moving to another country. You don’t know the language. You don’t know the customs and traditions. You’re leaving all that’s familiar behind.

Ruth’s profound commitment when she chooses to receive Naomi’s God as her own Part 21

Let's continue an in-depth study in the book of Ruth. We’ll see how uncommon it was in the Old Testament for foreigners to embrace the one true God.

Engage in a thoughtful discussion about taking our promises seriously Part 20

Making a lifelong commitment, and keeping it, isn’t easy! Especially in a culture that says we can break those promises whenever the pressure’s too much to bear.

Discover how some commitments can change the course of our life Part 19

Let's look at the commitment Ruth made to her mother-in-law Naomi, to care for her well-being until her death.

Find parallels for the Christian life from Ruth’s commitment to Naomi Part 18

When we make the decision to trust in God, our life starts going in a new direction. We turn away from old habits, and start following a new path.

What Ruth’s commitment can show us about our commitment to Christ Part 17

When we put our trust in Jesus Christ, we turn from our old life and embrace a new one. Let's examine the ramifications of Ruth’s commitment to her mother-in-law and what we can learn from it.

How Ruth’s commitment can reflect the marriage vows of a man and woman Part 16

In the book of Ruth chapter one, Ruth tells her mother-in-law, “Where you go I will go . . . Your God will be my God.”

The Impact Of Ruth’s Unconventional Promise To Her Mother-in-law, Naomi Part 15

When a man and woman unite in the bond of marriage, they are making a lifetime commitment to one another. Let's discuss the impact commitment has on our lives.

Let’s Reflect On The Commitment Ruth Makes To Naomi Part 14

There are times when love outweighs logic. Our heart takes us to illogical and unlikely places, in spite of the difficulties that may bring. Let's study the lives of these great women of the Bible.

Discover How God Works In The Ordinary Events We Confront Every Day Part 13

Even when we don’t see it, God is at work, orchestrating His plan in our lives. Enjoy a fascinating discussion based on the book of Ruth.

Find Encouragement In Knowing God Is In Control Part 12

So much of life is out of our control. A financial crisis hits, we receive difficult medical news, a loved one passes away. Perhaps the future is uncertain for you right now.

How God Works In Our Darkest Hours To Bring About Blessing Part 11

There’s no getting around it. Most of life is just plain ol’ difficult! Let's talk about God’s intervention in our darkest hours, and how God works to bring about blessing.

Dig Deeper Into The Story Of Ruth And Naomi For Insight Part 10

Have you ever felt that God turned His back on you? When difficult seasons arise, it’s easy to question whether God truly knows what you’re going through.

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