Month: July 2011

Wondering what our final home will look like? Part 20

Our world is becoming more and more mobile. Families move across the country for a job change, vacationers go half way around the world to find rest. Let's discuss our ultimate resting place, heaven.

Reflecting on a man who trusted God’s promises instead of his own wealth Part 19

We enjoy incredible prosperity in this country. And so often our “stuff” distracts us from the promises of God. Let's reflect on the biblical account of Joseph. Getting wrapped up in the material part of life?

Looking at God’s promises and providing hope to those in “waiting mode” Part 18

It’s easy to get discouraged when God isn’t answering our prayers as quickly as we think He should. Perhaps you’re waiting on God for something in your own life.

Encouragement to trust God’s promises, even when it doesn’t fit our schedule Part 17

Ever notice how God seems to be on a different timetable than ours? We live by the minute, He chooses to act by the decade.

Let’s look at God’s promises Part 16

Ever had to wait for God to answer prayer? Perhaps you’re waiting to hear from Him right now. Often His timetable is different than our own, but the result is worth the wait!

Discover encouragement to sustain us through the most troubling times Part 15

Perhaps you’re struggling financially, or your marriage is on shaky ground. For whatever reason, life seems to keep throwing you a curve. Sound familiar? Don’t lose heart!

Let's look at a man who staked his life on God’s promise, and wasn’t disappointed! Part 14

In a world of broken vows and shattered expectations, trust is easily dismantled. And because of that, we often allow our distrust of other people to impact our trust in God. Let's look at the biblical story of Joseph.

Find out if there’s really something to look forward to after we leave this life Part 13

Is there life after death? And if there is, what will it be like? Let's discuss the pictures of heaven found in Scripture.

Realizing that with God, there are always good things ahead! Part 12

Is it possible to come to the end of our lives and still have something to look forward to? When health fails and those we love are already gone?

Practical ways to prepare yourself and your family for the end stages of life Part 11

Getting our affairs in order is a necessary, but often unpleasant, task. Preparing for the end stages of life on earth, while keeping heaven in view.

A refreshing discussion that quells the fear about death and dying Part 10

Think you’re not good enough to earn God’s love? The truth is, none of us is good enough! It’s only the grace of God that gives us any hope beyond the grave.

Encouragement to those who fear the end Part 9

Death is sure. And death is final. But for those who believe in Jesus Christ as their Savior, there is hope beyond the grave.

God doesn’t focus on our flaws; instead he looks at how we demonstrate our faith in Him Part 8

Nobody’s perfect. We all make mistakes and blunders daily. Think your sins outweigh the good you’ve done?

Learning to live with uncertainty, and have faith in the outcome! Part 7

We have an advantage today of seeing the Bible in its entirety. We see the promises God made, as well as their fulfillment. Let's look at the lives of men and women in Scripture who lived by faith, even when they couldn’t see the outcome.

Discover the many ways we can apply a few complex passages of Scripture Part 6

Interpreting the Bible and applying it to our lives can sometimes be a tricky assignment. You’ll appreciate the clarity that comes to some fairly foggy issues.

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