Friday, October 21, 2011

What Jesus Said about Your Money, Part 26 of 31

TEXT: "He who is faithful in what is least is faithful in much; and he who is unjust in what is least is unjust also in much" (Luke 16:10).

IDEA: The depths of our faithfulness and our character before God are demonstrated in how we handle money.

PURPOSE: To help listeners see how their attitude toward money is a symptom of greater things.

Jesus says, "He who is faithful in least . . ."

What is the principle Jesus is stating in this sentence?

What does it apply to?

I. It is in the small things that our character and our faithfulness to Christ are revealed.

Does this strike you as true?

Little things reveal a lot about trustworthiness.

This is true in mechanics and technology:

A bridge with tiny cracks in the structure is unsafe. O-rings on a rocket launcher can keep it grounded.

Nearly invisible cracks in airplane parts are blamed for crashes.

Is this also true of people?

What do you want in a person you may hire to handle a large amount of money? Someone who has stolen from the petty cash?

II. Is the positive side of the principle also true?

If a person is faithful in little, is that person faithful in much?

When you seek to borrow for a car or a mortgage, the credit check of your past faithfulness determines if you receive the loan or not.  Why?

Do you think your spouse loves you? Why? Small things reveal the big things.

When you consider your own faithfulness to God, how would you determine  it?

In this passage (Luke 16:1-10) it is determined by the way you handle money in God's service.

Note two women who gave what they had—and revealed their character:

Luke 21:1-4—Jesus saw the widow put in her two coins. What lesson do you draw from this?

Luke 7:47 - The woman lavished the alabaster flask of fragrant oil on Jesus. What does this tell you about her love for Him?