Wednesday, December 14, 2011

The Lord is My Shepherd, Part 8 of 10

TEXT: Psalm 23

IDEA: God provides for us in enemy territory.

PURPOSE: To help listeners realize that God has sent us into a world controlled by the evil one.

I. Some commentators believe that there is a change of metaphor in Psalm 23:5.

Rather than dealing with the shepherd and the sheep, these commentators feel that now David is talking about the guest at a feast of a Syrian host.

But there is reason to believe that David has not left his original metaphor of sheep and shepherds.

II. He feeds his sheep in the presence of enemies.

Charles Slemming says that there is a viper that inhabits pastures where sheep feed.

It can bite the head of the sheep and cause an inflammation that may lead to death.

The shepherd anoints the head of the sheep with oil. The oil acts as a repellant and the sheep are safe from the viper’s bite.

III. God sends His sheep into a world inhabited by enemies.

Matthew 10:10—"I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves."

In the Great Commission, He sends us into the world to make disciples, with the promise of His power and His presence.

In John 17, He prays not that we would be taken out of the world, but would be delivered from the evil one that is in the market.