Wednesday, May 22, 2013
The Purpose of the Ten Commandments, Part 19 of 26
TEXT: Matthew 5
IDEA: Keeping the spirit of the Law is more demanding than keeping the letter of the Law.
PURPOSE: To help listeners see that they cannot keep either the letter or the spirit of the Law.
What do people mean when they say that we're not to follow the letter of the Law but the spirit of the Law?
I. The letter of the Law is a fastidious observance of the particulars of each of the Ten Commandments.
It shows itself in constantly defining what a person can or cannot do.
Sabbath-keeping is an example of how it worked.
Bearing false witness is another example of how people kept the letter of the Law. Matthew 5:33-37 about swearing by the temple but not by the gold of the temple. What is going on there?
II. The letter of the Law is often concerned with "loopholes." Why?
Is our legal system in the USA concerned about the letter of the Law or the spirit of the Law?
Lawyers specialize in finding loopholes. How does a "loophole" work?
III. When people talk about not following the "letter of the Law," do they feel that God is cutting them some slack? Which seems more demanding?