Month: August 2013

Looking at Romans 14 from a parenting perspective Part 29

The latest clothing fashion or music trends can send parents into a tailspin. When it comes to raising kids, what things are allowable and what are off limits? Don't miss this important discussion with special guest Jeff Manion.

What do doughnuts have to do with Christian unity? Part 28

An unconventional illustration to help us focus on what matters most. So grab your spot at the table for a conversation about disagreements, unity, and how fried pastries tie it all together. A sweet end to our study of Romans 14.

Discover the ways our actions help, or hinder, others Part 27

Whether you’re a parent guiding a little one through life, or contributing to your team at the office . . . each of us holds tremendous influence over the people we come into contact with!

A helpful guideline for handling disagreements Part 26

When we’re in a heated argument, we’re often so focused on who’s right and who’s wrong that we forget our actions should reflect the love of Christ. A helpful guideline for handling disagreements by asking the poignant question, does this honor God?

Help from Romans 14 on muddling through the gray areas of the Christian life Part 25

The church is just like one great big family, there’s bound to be some disagreements as time goes on. Let's explore eight principles to keeping unity in the family of God.

How to handle disagreements in the family of God Part 24

If you grew up with brothers or sisters, your disagreements with one another likely led to a few fights! But do those actions carry over into the way we treat our brothers and sisters in Christ? Timely lessons from Romans 14.

How to accept one another’s convictions, even if we disagree! Part 23

We’re never going to see eye-to-eye with friends and family on every topic. But if we’re not careful, we can wind up looking down on others when they make choices we disagree with.

Principles for making biblically sound decisions on questionable issues, while maintaining Christian unity Part 22

So often it’s not the big issues that divide a church and destroy relationships. It’s the gray areas of faith that can cause the most controversy! Practical advice you won’t want to miss.

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