Month: October 2014

Discover why we can be confident in the friendship of God Part 5

There are times when our prayers seem to bounce right off the ceiling instead of reaching God’s ear. And in those moments, it’s difficult not to feel abandoned. Comparing a current story of alienation with the story of Job.

Why it’s fruitful to believe that God knows us individually Part 4

Faith means trusting that God knows how much we can handle, even when we’re in the midst of difficult circumstances. Perhaps you’re wondering if your trial is more than you can bear.

A challenging yet encouraging study on the book of Job Part 3

The story of Job brings up a lot of questions, like, “Why would God let all that happen to such a good guy?” Let's jump back into a study in the book of Job.

Let’s tackle the question “Where is God when I hurt?” Part 2

With so much pain and brokenness in the world, have you ever felt like God is indifferent to suffering? Like He knows where we’re hurting, but still remains distant? More from our study in Job.

Job and Jesus

Programs in Series 0

This series of 10 conversations revisits the story of a man who, through no fault…

Job’s place in Scripture, and the lessons we can learn from this story of faith Part 1

Compared to the uplifting or encouraging books of the Bible, the book of Job seems to stand out like a sore thumb.

Discover how we all have a spiritual need, and it’s only Jesus who can quench our thirst Part 5

When your mouth is dry, your tongue is parched, and the temperature starts to rise, only one thing can satisfy your thirst.

How Jesus cuts through our defenses to reach our hearts Part 4

Let's continue our study of John chapter 4. We’ll listen in on a conversation between Jesus and the woman at the well. Jesus cuts through our defenses and interruptions in order to reach our hearts.

One woman’s pursuit of a meaningful relationship, and how she found it in Jesus! Part 3

No one likes to be alone. And in order to make the loneliness go away, we can make some bad choices!

How Jesus crossed all boundaries in order to reach a single hurting person Part 2

People today are still divided across economic, ethnic, and religious lines. And there can be taboos about crossing those barriers. Let's learn from Jesus' example.

The Woman at the Well

Programs in Series 5

In a conversation that broke many of the rules of that day, Jesus reaches out…

Jesus’ call to the heavy-burdened, come and find a place of rest Part 1

Many of us still carry around the baggage of past disappointments, painful losses, and fresh failures. Feeling weighed down?

Why baptism is more than an individual commitment, it’s a communal declaration! Part 5

Have you ever noticed that baptism is always a public event? You never hear of someone baptizing themselves in the bathtub!

Discover how to live like sons and daughters of the King! Part 4

We may believe we’re cherished children of God. But do we live like it? Do you need to be reminded of your identity in Christ?

How God wants to use us to further His kingdom Part 3

It’s hard to believe that a perfect God would use imperfect people to accomplish His plans. But it’s true!

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