Month: March 2015

Comforting others with joy Part 5

What do you say to a person in the midst of deep, personal pain? How do you comfort someone going through a difficult trial? Today, our special guest Margaret Feinberg challenges us to be a "joy bomber" and offer the hurting the gift of joy!

Helping fight another’s battle Part 4

Joy is a powerful weapon in times of trouble. Join our stirring conversation today as we discover how the gift of our presence can help others "Fight Back with Joy."

Whether we’re in pain or feeling good, we can always respond with joy! Part 3

How are you? Often our circumstances dictate how we answer that question. But join us today as we discover what it sounds like to always respond with joy!

Healing for wounded hearts and broken churches Part 2

God, the Great Physician, has a prescription for wounded hearts and broken churches: laughter! Discover today why a cheerful smile and joyous laughter are God's good medicine.

Fight Back With Joy

Programs in Series 5

Discover how to fight worry, fear, and doubt Part 1

When troubles start to close in around us, and worry, fear, and doubt invade our hearts, God has given us a powerful tool to fight back! Join us as our special guest, Margaret Feinberg, discusses an unlikely weapon in our daily battles: joy!

Who was the wisest person who ever lived? Part 10

Was the illustrious King Solomon the wisest person who ever lived? Join us for the conclusion of our study on Solomon as we discover that Jesus is the one who possessed all truth and insight!

Wise action and foolish mistakes Part 9

The men and women of the Bible are not only fascinating characters, but their lives serve as vivid examples we can learn from. Join us for another insightful conversation about the wise actions and foolish mistakes of Solomon.

A message of caution and wisdom Part 8

In life, it's not how you start the journey but how you finish that counts. Join us as we continue studying the example of Solomon, a man who began as the wisest man on earth, but crashed and burned toward the end.

The danger of replacing a relationship with God with the pursuit of wisdom Part 7

Solomon's life is a reminder that you can be the wisest person on the planet and still make foolish mistakes. Today we continue learning from the story of Solomon.

Discover how wisdom is given freely to those who ask Part 6

Trace a wide and winding river backwards and you'll find it originates from a single spring. Today we'll look past the overwhelming wisdom displayed by Solomon to study the Source of his knowledge.

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