Month: August 2016

“What’s love got to do with it?” Part 7

What’s love got to do with it? Well, according to the Bible, everything, but only if it’s real. Counterfeit love will never do.  Today on Discover the Word, the team, and guest Adele Calhoun, explores 1 Corinthians 13 and God’s big invitation for us to love as Jesus loved. An enlightening conversation in their series on “Invitations from God,” today on…

Pursuing excellence Part 6

In an effort to be the best, do you find yourself drivin’ and strivin’ . . . provin’ and pressin’ to excel? Well, there’s a right way and a wrong way to pursue excellence.  Today on Discover the Word, the team along with author Adele Calhoun returns to continue their series “Invitations from God.” Of all the invites we receive from God,…

God invites us to wait with Him Part 5

Waiting on God is never easy. And yet in the process of waiting on God we find an invitation to wait with God, drawing us closer to Him. Today on Discover the Word, the group, and author Adele Calhoun continue their series “Invitations from God,” by discussing how we can wait well. Would you say you “wait well”? Another revealing conversation, today…

Seeing ourselves as others see us Part 4

The poet Roberts Burns once said, “Oh the gift to see ourselves as others see us.” Today on Discover the Word, special guest Adele Calhoun joins the group to discuss the gift she received when her husband told her the brutal truth . . . that she interrupted people! So, what happened when she gave up interrupting for Lent? Join us…

Cooperating in the sanctification process Part 3

“I can’t help it,  that’s just the way I am!” How often do we say that, and why do we say it? Today on Discover the Word, the team, and author Adele Calhoun, digs into our collective psyche, exploring the excuses we give for the way we are. Learn how to cooperate rather than resist in the sanctification process. It’s an invitation…

Be willing to participate Part 2

Today on Discover the Word, the team and special guest Adele Calhoun continue their series on “Invitations from God” by turning to John chapter five and the story of the broken man at the pool of Bethesda. Explore how, just like with us, Jesus’s invitation to make him different included a willingness to participate on the man’s part. Join the conversation…

Invitations from God

Programs in Series 10

Author Adele Calhoun pulls a chair up to the table with us for 10 conversations…

Fear of missing out Part 1

Do you suffer from F.O.M.O. . . . the Fear Of Missing Out? Maybe that’s why you say, “Yes” to an invitation when you should be saying, “No!” Well, today on Discover the Word, we along with our special guest, Adele Calhoun discuss the role invitations, and our responses, have in shaping the course of our lives. It’s the start of a…

Invitations from God: Accepting God's Offer to Rest, Weep, Forgive, Wait, Remember, and More

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Some invitations we desperately want: "Will you marry me?" "Would you consider a promotion?" Other invitations we never want to receive but must respond to all the same: "What treatment do you want for your tumor?" Invitations pound away at the coastlines of the soul with a transforming force. God is also sending invitations. Sometimes they seem less compelling than…

Jesus is Lord and Master of all Part 5

Have you ever wondered if Peter, the fisherman, wondered why Jesus the carpenter, was telling him how to catch fish? Today on Discover the Word, we'll discuss how God uses our doubts and fears to reveal who He really is. He’s not just a good teacher,  but Lord and Master of all! That’s today on Discover the Word.

Sharing the ministry of Jesus with others Part 4

Is God more interested in what He’s doing through you or what He’s doing in you? Today on Discover the Word, we will discuss the symbiotic relationship between Jesus’s personal ministry to us and our willingness to share the fruits of that work with others, even when our hearts aren’t always in it!

Being ready when Jesus shows up Part 3

Everyone has tasks they don’t like. And there’s usually not much to marvel at in the mundane. Or is there? Today on Discover the Word, we examine the idea that even in boring, everyday activities, like Peter cleaning his fishing nets, Jesus shows up. We may not know when or how but we need to be ready! Learn how to apply this truth, today on Discover…

A fresh revelation Part 2

What, or who, is in your boat? Today on Discover the Word, we will discuss how Jesus commandeered Peter’s fishing boat to deliver a message to people hungry to hear a word from God. Could God use something in your everyday life to bring a fresh revelation of His love? Because when Jesus is on board, the secular becomes sacred! Today…

Hearing the Word of God

Programs in Series 5

God is passionate that people are able to hear the word of God. In New…

God longs to hear from us Part 1

We all want to hear from God, especially when we feel like we need answers! But is it possible that God wants, make that longs, to hear from us? Today on Discover the Word, we start our study in Luke chapter five, a passage that reveals people’s deep hunger to hear a word from God. And Jesus, the Word of God in…

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