Month: January 2017

Is God your “number one”? Part 2

Following God isn’t always easy, but one thing we can be pretty sure of is that when we’re “looking out for number one,” and that number one is me, we’re headed down a wrong path. Today on Discover the Word, the group digs into “The Miraculous Life of Elisha” to find out who “number one” always is. Don’t miss today on…

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The Miraculous Life of Elisha--part 3

Programs in Series 15

It’s easy to confuse Elisha with his predecessor Elijah not only because of their similar…

“The Miraculous Life of Elisha” Part 1

Today on Discover the Word, the group kicks off another segment in an ongoing series on the life of the Old Testament prophet Elisha. His was definitely an amazing life, so be part of the group as they explore “The Miraculous Life of Elisha” together. Be encouraged by God’s amazing power, today on Discover the Word!

Broken and useful Part 10

How can something broken be useful? Well, today on Discover the Word, the team will conclude a series of conversations with Ann Voskamp and discuss how brokenness, authenticity, and intimacy actually go hand in hand. Finish our series of conversations with Ann Voskamp on… “The Broken Way,”  today on Discover the Word!


"The ministry of presence" Part 9

According to Ann Voskamp, “When pain is the deepest, words are the fewest.” Today on Discover the Word, the team and special guest Ann Voskamp consider how sometimes we’re called to say nothing. Listen today to hear about “the ministry of presence” on Discover the Word!

Becoming a safe place for others Part 8

I’ll bet every one of us hid under the covers when we were kids. We were looking for a safe place, but today on Discover the Word, special guest Ann Voskamp shows us how can we become a safe place for others. Ann Voskamp joins the team at the table right here on Discover the Word!

Love as a "roof" Part 7

Today on Discover the Word, special guest Ann Voskamp is at the table with the team, to talk about one of Jesus’s most important statements. Discover what that statement is, and why Ann finds the image of love as a “roof” so encouraging. Don’t miss today on Discover the Word!

Looking at your "bucket list" in a whole new way Part 6

Today on Discover the Word, we welcome special guest and bestselling author Ann Voskamp to the table for a second week of a series of conversations based on Ann’s new book, called “The Broken Way.” Discover a new way of looking at your “bucket list” today on Discover the Word!

"Broken and given" Part 5

Today on Discover the Word, Ann Voskamp tells the group about a life-changing trip she made recently to Iran to share the compassion of Jesus. Join them as they discuss how we all can use whatever position we’re in to be “broken and given” for those around us. Discover what that means when you tune in today to Discover the…

Jesus broken on the cross can make us whole again Part 4

Sometimes things can become so familiar that we don’t even notice them anymore. And if we’re not careful that can happen with the symbol of the cross. Today on Discover the Word, special guest Ann Voskamp joins the team at the table to consider how Jesus being broken on the cross can make us whole again. It’s a freeing reminder,…

Being the hands and feet of Jesus Part 3

The Bible says we are “the hands and feet of Jesus.” But what does being His hands and feet actually look like? Today on Discover the Word, special guest Ann Voskamp joins us as we continue the discussion of how “The Broken Way” is the way of Jesus. Be part of the group,  right here on Discover the Word!

"The Broken Way" Part 2

When we say something’s “broken,” we mean that it’s no longer of use. But that’s not what God says when He sees our “broken” lives. Today on Discover the Word, the group, along with special guest Ann Voskamp, continues a discussion based on Ann’s new book, “The Broken Way.” Don’t miss today’s conversation on Discover the Word!

The Broken Way

Programs in Series 10

Best-selling author Ann Voskamp joins the group at the table to encourage us to discover…

The Broken Way : A Daring Path into the Abundant Life

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New York Times best-selling author Ann Voskamp sits at the edge of her life and all of her own unspoken brokenness and asks: What if you really want to live abundantly before it's too late? What do you do if you really want to know abundant wholeness? This is the one begging question that’s behind every single aspect of our…

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