Tuesday, August 29, 2006

By Faith... Abraham - Part II, Part 1 of 79

TEXT: "By faith Abraham obeyed when he was called to go out to the place which he would receive as an inheritance. And he went out, not knowing where he was going" (Hebrews 11:8).

IDEA: Those who honor Abraham do not honor one another.

PURPOSE: To help listeners appreciate that having a great spiritual ancestor does not mean that the progeny are going to deal with each other as great spiritual people.

When God called Abraham, what was the result to be?

Abraham and his spiritual offspring were to bless all nations.

Have they?

I. Abraham receives acclaim from three different faiths.

The Jews hold him in high regard as the forefather of their existence as a nation.

He is a major figure in their Torah.

They believe that the promises God made to Abraham were made to them.

Christians honor Abraham.

He is part of the Torah in the first testament that Christians accept as Scripture.

Paul refers to him more than to any other person except Jesus.

The Roman Catholic mass says, "Look with favor on these offerings and accept them as you accepted the sacrifice of Abraham."

Paul refers to Abraham as "the father of all who believe."

Muslims honor him.

They acknowledge the Torah narrative, although they make significant changes. For example, the Koran states that it was Ishmael, not Isaac who was sacrificed.

Islam has five repetitions of daily prayer, and each one ends with a reference to Abraham.

Muslims have "a festival of sacrifice" in which a lamb or goat is offered to celebrate the near-sacrifice of a son to Allah. It's the single holiest day in the Islamic calendar.

In the Koran, Allah tells Abraham that "God has appointed you as a leader for mankind."

II. Why has there been such conflict and suffering among those who confess Abraham as their father?

Why has Abraham's progeny not experienced great blessing among those who seem to honor Abraham?

All three groups have persecuted one another.

In history, Christians have persecuted Jews and Muslims.

In many parts of the world Muslims have persecuted Christians and Jews.

Orthodox Jews have not accepted Christians or Muslims as authentic believers.

Where is the blessing that comes to Abraham's seed?