A Marriage Made in Eden

What Qualifies A Marriage As Being Christian?

Going through a Christian wedding ceremony in a church does not necessarily make for a Christian marriage. Let's tackle what does make a Christian marriage.

Find Out What God Has In Store For Your Marriage

Some people get married because they’re looking for someone to complete them. Others marry because they’re lonely and want someone to fill that void. Regardless of the reason, God can redeem any Christian marriage, and create a relationship far beyond your expectations!

Discover The Truth About Marriage That Today’s Culture Doesn’t Necessarily Affirm!

With marriage comes the loss of personal autonomy. Gay Hubbard puts it this way: “If I’m going to be committed to someone else, their welfare and their concern means that there are some things I am no longer free to do.”

Discover God’s Blueprint For Marriage

How are you at handling change? Does it turn you upside down? You’ll be reminded that God has provided marriage as a safe haven for change. A fascinating discussion for husbands and wives.

Discover The Recipe For A Strong Christian Marriage

What makes for a strong marriage? What key ingredients do you need to have a fulfilling, lifelong relationship with your husband or your wife?

Key Ingredients To Help Make Your Marriage A Success!

A successful marriage takes a lot of work, but when trust and forgiveness are present, fulfillment isn’t far behind. Discover how relating with your spouse can become easier.

Practical Tips For Making Your Marriage Rich And Deep Through Kindness

Kindness can transform your marriage. It’s a simple concept, but not always easy to implement in the home.

Discover The First Building Block Needed For A Successful Marriage

The Bible holds the blueprint for marriage. Is your relationship in line with God’s blueprint?

The First Step Toward Improving Your Marriage Relationship

Genesis 2:24 says, “For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh.” Discover how this verse is God’s three-step blueprint for marriage.

Find Out What It Means To “cleave” To Your Husband Or Wife

The Bible says that when we get married we’re to “cleave” to our spouse. It’s not a word we use very often. Discover the meaning in a discussion on the keys to a successful marriage.

What The Bible Says About Becoming “one Flesh”

Intimacy is an important ingredient in a healthy marriage. Loving husbands and wives attend to both the emotional and physical dimensions of their relationship.

Discover The Meaning Of The Biblical Mandate To Become “one Flesh”

A sensitive, but important discussion why becoming “one flesh” is an essential dimension to God’s blueprint for marriage.

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