The Last Supper

How Can Two People Witness The Same Event And Come Away With Completely Different Impressions?

One person may see the evidence of Christ and start believing in Him, while another sees the same evidence and turns away. Let's unravel this two-sided mystery.

Discover How The Attitude Of The Heart Affects Our Belief In God

Men and women throughout history have had to make a choice, to believe Jesus rose from the grave, or deny it.

Discover The Profound Meaning Imbedded In The First Communion

If you’ve experienced communion in your home church, you know how easy it is to go through the motions and leave without really understanding the meaning behind it. Let's remember the sacred ceremony of the first communion.

Looking At Jesus’ Unforgettable Actions And Servant’s Heart At The Last Supper

Often we’re so busy looking out for ourselves, that we overlook those in need around us.

Let's Revisit The Last Supper Christ Shared With His Disciples

As we look at the dialogue that transpired that night, we see that Christ’s message on servanthood is at the core of our faith even now, nearly two thousand years later.

Discover Jesus’ Perspective On Servanthood

When you hear the term servant, what comes to your mind? In our culture, it’s often seen as a derogatory term, perhaps even akin to slavery. Let's explore Jesus’ last supper with His disciples, where He teaches us to serve one another.

The Sacred Celebration Of Communion

If you grew up in a church that celebrates communion, you know how meaningful it is to remember our Savior’s sacrifice. Let's reflect on this sacred celebration that's at the core of our faith.

The Lord’s Supper, And What Communion Represents To Followers Of God

If we’re not paying attention, it’s easy for us to let things lose their significance. Sometimes we go through the motions, for instance, and miss celebrating the transforming power of Christ’s death on the cross.

Discover What It Means To Maintain A Pure Heart, With Pure Motives

When we try to protect our own agenda, it’s not easy to keep our motives pure. In fact, sometimes we do the right things, but for the wrong reasons. So how do we get out of that trap?

The Realities Of Keeping Our Motives Pure

If we’re honest with ourselves, and take a good look at our motives, our actions aren’t always as pure as we’d like to think. Doing the right things for the wrong reason can put a real damper on serving others.

Jesus’ Last Meal With His Disciples, And The Significance The Last Supper Has On Our Lives

If you’ve lost a loved one, then you know that life is fleeting. Here one day and gone the next. So it’s important to make each moment count.

Tools To Develop Our Listening Skills, So That We Hear The Whole Truth Of The Bible

Listening is a skill. And if we’re not careful, we could miss the entire point of the conversation!

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