Friday, April 16, 2010

By Faith . . . Believing God Created, Part 10 of 12

TEXT: "By faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that the things which are seen were not made of things which are visible" (Hebrews 11:3).

IDEA: The creation tells people of faith a great deal about God.

PURPOSE: To help listeners consider what the creation reveals about God.

Imagine that a mature man or woman was suddenly placed into the world and that individual had time to consider the heavens or learn about the world beneath our feet. What could that person know about God?

I. We can learn about God's existence.

Men and women have to be taught that God does not exist; it is not intuitive.

An Arab was asked, "How do you know there is a God?" The Arab responded, "How do I know whether it was a man or a camel that passed by my tent last night? I know by the footprints. The marks in the sand show whether it was a man's foot or a camel's foot. That's how I know God. I know Him by his footprints."

II. We can know God's power.

Consider the vastness of creation, the power that holds it together. You cannot ignore the power of the God who made it.

Charles Simeon, a noted preacher, was on his deathbed. He looked at those standing in his room and gave them a great smile. "Do you know what gives me great comfort now? The creation! Did Jehovah create the world or did I? I know He did. Now, if He made the universe, He has the power to take care of me."

III. We can see God's intelligence and creativity.

People of faith know that there is a mind beyond their mind who designed the universe. Scientists don't make anything new; they simply discover what God has put there.

That's why we believe so that we can know; we don't know in order to believe.