Monday, September 6, 2010

God Is At Work - The Story of Ruth Part II - A "Chance" Meeting, Part 39 of 44

TEXT: " 'May I continue to find favor in your eyes, my lord,' she said. 'You have reassured me and have spoken kindly to your servant—though I do not have the standing of one of your servants' " (Ruth 2:13).

IDEA: True humility comes when we realize how much the Lord has done for us and how little we deserve it.

PURPOSE: To help listeners realize that what Boaz did for Ruth resembles what the Lord has done for us.

What is the difference between modesty and humility? Do you think we ever confuse the two?

What is the difference between conceit and pride? Are they the same?

I. What do we mean when we talk about modesty?

How do you react to someone who says, "Look, if Jesus died for sinners, He wasted His time on me. I don't need anyone to die for me"?

Does it bother you to find out that someone thinks that way or merely that he/she talks that way? Would you counsel that person to be more modest?

Why do we dislike conceit? Do we dislike it as much as pride?

Conceit is often a way of talking. Why do people sometimes talk big?

II. Listen to this exchange between Ruth and Boaz in Ruth 2:13: " 'May I continue to find favor in your eyes, my lord,' she said. 'You have reassured me and have spoken kindly to your servant—though I do not have the standing of one of your servants.' "

Is this modesty or humility?

What has happened before this exchange?

Ruth expresses her gratitude to Boaz for two things that he has done for her in Ruth 2:13:

He has calmed her emotionally: "You have given me comfort" – "You have reassured me." The word comes from a root which means "to breathe deeply." He has brought her relief.

Has anything like that ever happened to you?

Ruth resembles a young chick frightened by the rain. She has found comfort and security under the wings of God.

Those wings are embodied in the person of Boaz.

He has spoken to her with kindness that she did not deserve.

"You have spoken to the heart." Boaz's words were the first cheerful things recorded about Ruth after her husband had died in Moab.

Ruth views herself as occupying the lowest rung on the social ladder. That's the meaning of the word she uses to describe herself.

She is amazed that the difference in social class or race could not stifle Boaz's compassion toward her.

III. Where does humility come from in our relation to God?

Is Ruth being humble or merely modest?

Humility comes from seeing God's generosity to us and our low standing before Him.