Monday, April 29, 2013

The Purpose of the Ten Commandments, Part 2 of 26

TEXT: Exodus 20:1-17

IDEA: The Law cannot save us, but it can show us our need of salvation.

PURPOSE: To help listeners realize what the Law contributes to our lives.

What is the bare minimum that you have to do in order to become a Christian?

I. Once we have established that criterion, does that mean that nothing else we do really matters?

Are we saved by baptism? Does that mean it's not important?

Are we saved by regularly attending church? Does that mean church attendance is not important?

Does our salvation depend on how much we put into an offering plate? Does that mean that we should not give?

II. Are we saved by keeping the Ten Commandments? Does that mean that the Ten Commandments are not important?

If the Ten Commandments don't save us, would they have any value at all in bringing us to Christ?

Can an MRI heal you? No, so why do you go to the expense of having it?

If you had an MRI and it showed that you had cancer, how might you respond to it?

You can look at it and walk way, not wanting to face up to it.

You can dismiss it as being too strict.

It can show you that you need to have a cure.

The law can show us our sickness, but it cannot give us health. If we don't recognize our need for healing, we may never turn to God.


The Law cannot save us, but when we take it seriously, it can point us to Jesus Christ who can save us.