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Articles by dtufts


Programs in Series 10

Find Encouragement In Knowing God Is In Control Part 12

So much of life is out of our control. A financial crisis hits, we receive difficult medical news, a loved one passes away. Perhaps the future is uncertain for you right now.

A Refreshing Discussion About The Ways God Speaks To Us Part 28

God speaks to us in so many ways. Through loved ones, through Bible teachers, and even through music. Let’s conclude the series on the Christian life with a refreshing discussion about the ways God speaks to us.

Need Encouragement For Your Daily Walk With God? Part 27

So often, God works through us even when we don’t realize it! Let’s recount personal stories about God at work in our lives.

Discover How To Listen For The Voice And Guidance Of God Part 26

Every day represents a decision. Will we choose to follow the counsel of God’s Word? Or will we get lured in by the world, and our own fleeting desires?

Reflecting On The Complexity Of The World, And The God Who Spoke It Into Being Part 5

Friday, April 9, 2010

By Faith . . . Believing God Created, Part 5 of 20

TEXT: “By faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that the things which are seen were not made of things which are visible” (Hebrews 11:2).

IDEA: The Bible gives us enough for a basis of faith, but…

Discover How To Bring Meaning To Your Ordinary Work Day Part 45

It’s not always easy to find significance and meaning in the mundane assignments on our plate everyday. Bring new life to your workweek with a thought-provoking study in Ephesians.

Find Encouragement For Getting Through The Work Week In The Book Of Ephesians Part 44

God’s Word has a lot to say about our occupation, and how we spend our time! Let's open up the book of Ephesians.

Discover A Fresh Perspective On Your Occupation Part 43

For many, work is drudgery. It puts the food on the table, but doesn’t satisfy the inner need for purpose in our souls. Looking for energy to get through your daily assignments? Feel a little confused about the future?

The Importance Of Being Prepared When It Comes To Choosing A Job, Or Walking Away From One Part 42

If you’ve ever been asked to go against your beliefs to keep your job, you know the tough decision at stake. It’s important to be prepared for those tough choices well in advance.

An Insightful Conversation About Our Occupation Part 41

From the moment we‘re old enough to speak, we’re asked what we want to do when we grow up. And while it’s cute to hear a four-year-old talk about being a fireman or a ballet dancer, it’s a question at the heart of each of our lives, no matter our age.

What God’s Word Says About Employment, Giftedness, And How We Should Invest Our Talents Part 40

What are you doing for God today? Whether we work in an office, or in the home, on a job site, or drive a truck, whatever we do, we’re to give it our very best. Let's find guidance in God’s Word.

Discover What The Bible Says About Our Employment Part 39

Life is full of choices, ranging from what will I have for lunch, to what career should I choose. Find practical help, whether you work in an office, or in the home.

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