Category  |  Bible Scripture

Redemption Story (What’s That Book About?)

Programs in Series 5

Denver Seminary president Mark Young’s plane ride was altered when the man seated next to…

Come face-to-face with the living, breathing Word of God Part 5

We usually think of God’s Word as a leather-bound book full of godly wisdom and instruction. Let's reveal that God’s Word is more than a book it’s a Person!

Discover nourishment for your soul Part 4

No matter how delicious and filling dinner is, you’ll still wake up hungry the very next day! Unlike physical food, God’s Word can keep us spiritually satisfied day in and day out.

Practical ways to better reflect Christ Part 3

We may think we’re all put together, until we look in the mirror and find the crooked collar on our shirt and spinach in our teeth! Let's look into the mirror of God’s Word to learn practical ways to better reflect Christ!

Discover how God’s Word is like a knife and cuts right to our heart! Part 2

Used carelessly, a knife can cause a lot of damage. But in the hands of a skilled surgeon, a sharp blade can save lives.

How thinking of Scripture as a lamp can change the way we read the Bible Part 1

God uses countless metaphors to describe His Word. And each one offers insight into the power of Scripture. Another insightful dialogue.

Encouragement For Those Struggling To Make It On Their Own Part 23

God doesn’t leave us to find our way through life on our own. He provides the Holy Spirit and the Bible to help lead us down the right paths.

How Does God Speak To People Today? Part 18

If God speaks to people today, what does it look or sound like? Does He give us hunches or feelings about what we should do? Let's examine God’s specific revelations in Scripture to uncover how He does, and how He probably does not, interact with us today.

Part Of Understanding The Bible Is To Respect The Context In Which It Was Written Part 47

The Bible is filled with promises. Not every single promise was intended for you and me.

How To Respond To Biblical Disagreements Part 43

From time to time we’ve all had disagreements with other people who believe the Bible, but see it differently than we do. Discover a dose of patience and perspective.

The Scriptures Come Alive When We Read The Powerful Message Of God To His People Part 26

Every family has a story to tell . . . a history that’s passed down from generation to generation. And the story of God’s family is no different! Explore some of these personal moments in the Bible.

Getting Back To A Right Understanding Of The Bible Part 6

Flip back through the pages of a history book. You’ll read of generations who twisted the message of the Bible . . . took it out of context . . . and caused a lot of damage. Let's unpack the phrase, "A biblical passage can never mean what it never meant."

Which Bible Translation Should You Choose? Part 5

At any Christian bookstore, you’ll find an entire shelf full of Bible translations. There’s the New International Version, the New King James, the Phillips . . . and many more! Compare translations . . . and get the basic tools you need for studying the Bible.

Expressing Grace And Mercy Through Reproof And Rebuke Part 12

When a member of a congregation chooses to defy God . . . it may be necessary to express grace and mercy through reproof and rebuke. Guidance is offered on how to get through those difficult moments.

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