Category  |  Christian Faith

How God goes before a crisis Part 1

When cancer strikes, most people feel overwhelmed, incapable of coping. Yet for those who turn to God they often find He’s already gone ahead and prepared the way, easing their burden. Let's discuss how sometimes it takes a crisis for us to look back and see how God has orchestrated certain events for His purposes and our spiritual growth.

Even in our doubts, we have Jesus’ full acceptance Part 3

Belief is a mysterious commodity. A baby is born and we believe, someone dies and we lose our faith. Nicodemus had both doubts about Jesus and faith in Him and yet Jesus fully embraced him.

We can have the right theology, but the wrong belief Part 2

We all have a deep need to be accepted, but because we know ourselves too well, we have a tough time believing why anyone would. They might say they know God loves them, but how could He, really?

Let There Be Peace in You

Programs in Series 5

Jesus’ “Upper Room Discourse” was delivered the night before He went to the cross. It…

The battlefield of faith in both poverty and wealth Part 5

They say that life is a matter of perspective, and it takes a strong mind to stay faithful. As you go through tough times, where do you set your thoughts?

Is living by faith a waste of time? Part 4

A life of faith means we may not see the results right away, or even in our lifetime. Today on "Discover the Word," our hosts and our special guest Torrey Robinson talk about faith and trials. Is it worth it? You bet it is!

The most common tool God uses to build our faith Part 1

As Christians, we want to become more like Jesus. And if we're honest, we'd like that process to be an easy one. Our special guest reminds us that struggle is the most common tool the Lord uses to build our faith. Join us for an encouraging conversation coming up in James chapter one.

Finding our bearings when we feel forsaken by God Part 3

As strange as it seems, feeling forsaken by God is common to believers, but always painful. Join us today as we talk about finding our bearings by focusing on God's faithful deliverance in the past. What can we learn by looking back?

How to stay encouraged when going through dark valleys Part 5

Following God means we're never standing still for long. The walk of faith is a constant journey. When walking through dark valleys, remember, hope is just ahead!

Discover how to work through desperate times by remembering happy memories Part 4

How do you work through desperate times in your life? Join us as we discuss how remembering the good times of yesterday can give us hope in our tomorrows.

Encouragement for when our hearts feel dormant Part 14

An experienced farmer knows there are seasons when crops flourish in the open air, and seasons when all growth happens underground. Even in our cold seasons, God is still at work, cultivating the fruits of Spirit.

Let's take one final look at the blind man in John chapter 9, from the perspective of Jesus Part 5

In the dark, it’s hard to see anything clearly. It’s only when the light is turned on that everything comes into focus. Let's take one final look at the blind man in John chapter 9, from the perspective of Jesus, the Light of the World. See this passage with new eyes.

Lessons from the healing of a blind man Part 2

Scripture tells us that God often works in mysterious ways. Why we don’t need to know all the reasons to appreciate God’s amazing work.

A moving story about God’s miraculous comfort in the midst of personal pain Part 9

Even into the most intense, fiery trials of our lives, God brings refreshing splashes of joy. Hear a real-life illustration of God’s love.

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