Category  |  Trust

A personal firestorm that ignited trust in the goodness of God Part 2

Firestorms often come unexpectedly. And they leave ash, rubble, and devastation in their wake. But within the ruins, we find surprising signs of hope.

Stories and insights on how to measure the intensity of our faith Part 1

What’s your faith look like right now? Is it a small, flickering flame? Or a roaring wildfire? It’s the beginning of a brand-new study, "Unquenchable."

Why it’s fruitful to believe that God knows us individually Part 4

Faith means trusting that God knows how much we can handle, even when we’re in the midst of difficult circumstances. Perhaps you’re wondering if your trial is more than you can bear.

Let’s tackle the question “Where is God when I hurt?” Part 2

With so much pain and brokenness in the world, have you ever felt like God is indifferent to suffering? Like He knows where we’re hurting, but still remains distant? More from our study in Job.

How to live for an audience and approval of One Part 4

Though we may deny it at times, most of us care what people think of us. Our self-image is often wrapped up in the opinions of others! It’s a lesson learned from a Roman centurion.

Let’s continue our study on the Roman centurion in Matthew 8 Part 3

It’s been said that the best test of a person’s character is how he treats people who have nothing to offer. How this soldier cared for those close to him is a good example for all of us!

Discover a Roman soldier’s love for God’s people, and the faith that selfless compassion reveals Part 2

It’s easy to love those who love you back. But it’s much harder to love those who despise you!

Discover what a centurion can teach us about trusting in the Lord Part 1

Called to identify a model of faithfulness, most people in the crowd would have pointed to a religious leader or one of the disciples as their example. Imagine the shock when Jesus chose a Roman soldier as the epitome of faith! It’s a brand-new study in Matthew 8.

How we’ll never know faith works, until it’s put to the test! Part 4

That summertime hammock may look sturdy and well constructed. But it’s not until we commit to laying down that we find out if it can hold us up! Another helpful study in James, chapter 1.

Discover how to reclaim a sense of biblical peace! Part 3

Life can reach a frenetic pace sometimes. Caught up in the craziness and hurry-up lifestyle, we can feel pushed and pulled in every direction. It’s a look at God’s call to “be still.”

Let’s search Psalm 46 to learn exactly where God is when we need Him the most Part 2

“Where is God when life hurts?” It’s a question we’ve all asked at one time or another. The answer may surprise you! Join us for an eye-opening discussion.

Let’s discuss the confidence we have in the presence and goodness of God Part 1

We may wake up fully convinced that we’re safe, protected, and cared for. But as the day’s trials begin, our confidence sometimes withers away. Let's turn to Psalm 46 and find true security in the presence and goodness of God.

Discover God’s visible love for you, even in the midst of trials Part 2

The Bible defines faith as “trusting in what you cannot see.” But it’s hard to trust in God’s goodness when life is falling apart around us. Let's explore a passage in Scripture that offers us a fresh perspective on faith.

Let’s unravel a puzzling statement that Jesus made about being rich Part 5

You don’t have to be a tailor to know that a camel won’t fit through the eye of a needle. But according to Jesus, that’s easier than someone who is wealthy getting into heaven!

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