What if . . . I did what I could today? Part 8
Today on "Discover the Word," the group asks themselves a question they’d like you to ask yourself. “What if?” "What if" I did what I could? "What if" I didn’t just think about acting, but actually acted? "What if" I didn’t let others act for me? "What if" I didn’t wait to be invited? "What if" I didn’t just wonder about what difference I could make, but actually took a step? "What if" . . . I did what I could, today? A life-shaping question frames today’s "Discover the Word."
Pruning the vine Part 4
Today on "Discover the Word," special guest Margaret Feinberg helps center our discussion on what Jesus actually meant when He talked about “pruning the vine.” Instead of whacking the vines with a machete, the vinedresser trims the vine gently, branch by branch. We continue our fascinating conversations about the agrarian images used in the Bible as Margaret tells us about time she spent with a vintner learning about “the fruit of the vine.”
Working together in proper order Part 3
What’s the buzz on all those bees in the Bible? Well, today on "Discover the Word," with the help of special guest Margaret Feinberg, we'll comb through just a few of the nearly seventy scriptural references to bees and honey. As a beekeeper revealed, “ ‘a land flowing with milk and honey’ is one where the intricate social systems of all the hives are working in proper order.” Be(e) part of a fascinating conversation today on "Discover the Word"!
Jesus works through the most unlikely people Part 2
Most people think of a “shepherd” as being a male figure. Yet in reality, tending and herding sheep is often a job done by women and children. Today on "Discover the Word," our special guest Margaret Feinberg discuss how shepherds were—and are—often marginalized. And so while living on the fringe of society, isn’t it amazing that shepherds were included as main players at our Savior’s birth?
What is worship? Part 4
Today on "Discover the Word," we will discuss how worship isn’t just songs we sing on a Sunday morning. It’s a lifestyle that flows out of intimate relationship with God. We proclaim God’s worthiness through everyday interactions, for example, the way we treat others. Included in our daily worship is taking time to seek His face, meditating on the great love He poured out over us through the cross.
Jesus restores and cares for you and me Part 3
Psalm 23 begins by using sheep to illustrate the Good Shepherd’s tender care for us. But then David goes beyond the basics and into the deep recesses of the soul. Today on "Discover the Word," we will talk about the meaning behind the words, “He restores my soul and guides me in the paths of righteousness.” During those times when we’re tired, anxious, or upset, Jesus gives us a restored sense of peace and rest. That's today on "Discover the Word."
Healing for wounded hearts and broken churches Part 2
God, the Great Physician, has a prescription for wounded hearts and broken churches: laughter! Discover today why a cheerful smile and joyous laughter are God's good medicine.
It’s all about love Part 1
A well-known band once sang, “all you need is love.” Turns out, they weren’t far off! Let's begin a brand new study in Mark chapter 12. Discover how Jesus takes every law and commandment, and boils it down into one simple concept!
Discover the God who understands what it is like to be broken Part 1
In the midst of broken families and shattered relationships, we often feel completely alone. As if no one understands the pain and hurt we’re experiencing. God knows exactly what it is like to be broken!
Practical Ways To Support Those Who Teach Us The Word Of God Part 20
We see our pastors every Sunday, and perhaps at a Bible study during the week, but often it’s easy to forget that the Bible calls us to care for the shepherds of the church.
Let’s Examine A Biblical View Of Influencing The World Around Us Part 15
What is the Christian’s role in trying to make an impact on society? Are we to be up in arms every time we disagree with the culture?