Category  |  Creator

“Fearfully and wonderfully made”

Psalm 139 isn’t just an account of how David’s heart had been searched by God, it also invites God to continue searching. And the deeper God searched, the more David developed a sense of awe and wonder that he was “fearfully and wonderfully made.” And so are we. Don’t miss this important conversation today on "Discover the Word"!

Search me and know me Part 1

King David messed up royally, yet he was not afraid to have his heart searched by God. Today on "Discover the Word," we begin the discussion called “Search Me.” For some, the words, “You have searched me and known me” in Psalm 139 produce fear and foreboding, making them want to hide. For others it brings comfort. But why the disparity?

Old Testament prophets reveal God’s character Part 3

Today on "Discover the Word," we'll discuss how Old Testament prophets Elijah and Elisha both represent God’s nature. Elijah shows Him more as a God of judgment, while Elisha shows more of God’s merciful side. And flashing forward, we can also see both of them in Jesus, who would come to save people from the judgment they brought on themselves.

King of Glory! Part 5

Today on "Discover the Word," we will talk about what many popular and passionate modern worship songs communicate so beautifully, God is glorious! Even more, He’s the King of Glory. But who is the King of Glory? Quite simply, He’s Jesus! He’s the Lord Almighty, the Victorious and Conquering King. And one day our King will return to rule and reign in Jerusalem. And the whole earth will be filled with the knowledge of His glory.

Creator King Part 2

New Agers often refer to “the universe” as though it was a separate entity, an impersonal force that guides their lives toward some vague, mystical purpose. Today on "Discover the Word," we will discuss God as the Creator King. As both Psalm 24 and John chapter one reveal, “the heavens and the earth” were created by God. So apart from its Creator, the universe has no power to determine anything.

Psalm 24: Written about a King Part 1

Psalm 24 is a song written by a king . . . David the king of Israel . . . about a king . . . Jesus, the King of Kings. And you’re invited to join us today on "Discover the Word" as we discuss this glorious psalm. In a constitutional republic, it’s hard to relate to the idea of a ruling monarch. But one day the King of Glory will descend to earth where He will reign over all mankind.

Who is like the Lord? Part 4

You can compare apples to apples. Some people even compare apples to oranges to discover value. But how do you compare something that has no comparison? Today we study the impossible question: "Who is like the Lord?"

Let’s talk about how great God is! Part 3

"Great" is a rather worn-out word. We use it to describe everything from the truly awesome to the largely mundane. It is time to redeem the "greatness" of "great," especially when talking about God's incredible acts of love!

How desperation led one man to brave embarrassment and rejection in order to see Jesus Part 2

When we’re out of answers, desperation sets in. And often we’re led to do things we normally wouldn’t even consider!

The Conclusion Of The Discussion On Creation And Faith Part 12

Perhaps you, or someone you love, has questions about the Creator of the universe.

Discover The Connection Between Belief And Evidence Part 11

If you believe in God, you see His handiwork when you study the world around you. The intricacies of the human body, the details in a leaf, or the colors of the sunset, shout that Creation was designed with purpose.

Discover How Our Presuppositions Impact Our Belief System Part 10

An engaging discussion on how your worldview affects the way you think and interact with those around you.

Discover The Impact The Creator Has On Our Daily Lives Part 9

Knowing that God created the world and every living thing in it, makes a huge impact on how we view ourselves and those around us.

Bring Purpose And New Life To Each Day When You Put Your Trust In God Part 8

So many people live without purpose. Moving from one day to the next, wondering why they’re here. A fascinating discussion on choosing to trust God with your life.

Can We Have Both Faith, And A Belief In Science? Part 7

Discover how faith and science are intricately connected through the God who created the universe.

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