Elisha, revealing the kinder, gentler side of God Part 2
Many husbands refer to their wives as their “better half.” And Elisha the prophet could have been called that too. Today on "Discover the Word," we'll discuss that although Elisha was a servant to his mentor, Elijah, he would do twice as many miracles, ones that revealed a “kinder and gentler” side of God. “The Miraculous Life of Elisha” continues today on "Discover the Word"!
God's long-range perspective for growing us Part 5
Today on "Discover the Word," our special guest Margaret Feinberg helps us conclude our discussion about the surprising depth of some of the agrarian images used in the Bible. Today’s conversation comes out of a fruitful visit Margaret had with a vintner that showed her how the long-range perspective a vintner has for growing grapes is the same kind of long-range perspective God has for growing us.
Spending your life in a holding pattern? Part 5
Today on "Discover the Word," we will talk about how we often spend our time thinking about the “not yet” at the expense of the “already here.” In the spiritual sense, many believers view life as what they’ve got to get through to go to heaven. They in many ways spend their lives in a holding pattern. But in Psalm 23 we’re told that His goodness and mercy will follow us each and every day of our lives.
Trusting the Good Shepherd Part 2
New parents realize their inadequacies to truly provide for and protect their children. They sometimes feel a bit helpless in the face of outside dangers and influences. Today on "Discover the Word," we will discuss God’s tender, fatherly care for us as depicted in Psalm 23. A good shepherd leads his flock to “green pastures” and “still waters,” where they’ll be safe. Can you trust the Good Shepherd to lead you into peace and safety and provide for your needs?
A Message of Victory Part 5
Today on "Discover the Word," we will discuss the last verse of Psalm 22, where David ends his agonizing song about the suffering Messiah with a message of victory. The psalm concludes on a high note, “Posterity will serve Him; future generations will be told about the Lord. They will proclaim His righteousness to a people yet unborn, for He has done it!” The amazing way Psalm 22 describes a “suffering Savior”—listen today on "Discover the Word"!
Discover God's promises in Psalm 91 Part 1
In Scripture, God seems to promise to protect and defend those who put their trust in Him. Yet Christians still get sick, deal with disaster, and go through trials. Join us today as we discover God's promises in Psalm 91 and how they apply to God's people.
How is God’s righteousness good news? Part 2
When we hear the phrase "God's righteousness," it could bring up some negative images. We can even picture an angry God looking to hammer us into submission! But today we will discuss why God's righteousness is worth sharing!
How can we mirror the faithfulness of God? Part 10
The goal of a Christian is to act more like Jesus with every passing day. The qualities Christ exhibited, we want to exhibit as well! It’s another discussion about the fruits of the Spirit.
Let’s look at the probing questions God asked Job, in order to reveal the truth of who God is! Part 7
The ancient philosopher Socrates was known for using insightful questions to arrive at truth. But God was using this method long before Socrates showed up! Our study of the life of Job continues.
What to do when God seems unresponsive Part 1
Have you ever called out to God, only to feel like you’re getting a busy signal? Why would God put us on hold when we need Him the most? Encouraging lessons from John chapter 11.