Category  |  His Love

Discover Jesus’ response to an impossible dilemma Part 3

From a human perspective, there was no good solution. Jesus shouldn’t forgive the woman caught in adultery, but He wouldn’t condemn her either! Our series in John chapter 8 continues.

An important discussion about the dangers of exploiting others Part 2

Ever notice how easy it is to mix up our priorities? It happens when we love things and use people, instead of loving people and using things!

Let’s turn to John chapter 8 and the account of the woman caught in adultery Part 1

Rather than help her privately, the religious leaders decided to use a broken woman to trap Jesus publicly! Don't miss the start of this dramatic story.

Discover the bright future God has for each of us! Part 10

There are times in life when our burdens and trials have drained us, and we feel like we cannot take another step. Discover biblical encouragement to keep going! Join the group for the final conversation in our series, "Unquenchable."

A moving story about God’s miraculous comfort in the midst of personal pain Part 9

Even into the most intense, fiery trials of our lives, God brings refreshing splashes of joy. Hear a real-life illustration of God’s love.

Let’s look at the probing questions God asked Job, in order to reveal the truth of who God is! Part 7

The ancient philosopher Socrates was known for using insightful questions to arrive at truth. But God was using this method long before Socrates showed up! Our study of the life of Job continues.

A challenging yet encouraging study on the book of Job Part 3

The story of Job brings up a lot of questions, like, “Why would God let all that happen to such a good guy?” Let's jump back into a study in the book of Job.

Using our testimonies to share the love and grace of God with others Part 5

You can argue over facts, figures, and viewpoints. But it’s tough to debate a personal story! Learn how to “shine” for Christ.

Discover a Roman soldier’s love for God’s people, and the faith that selfless compassion reveals Part 2

It’s easy to love those who love you back. But it’s much harder to love those who despise you!

Let’s explore Jesus’ final answer to the question, What is the greatest commandment? Part 5

No matter what question was thrown at Him, Jesus had an answer. And in Mark chapter 12, Jesus gave an explanation so insightful, the leaders and teachers were left speechless! Don’t miss the wrap up of our study in Mark 12.

Discover how the actions of loving God cause a reaction of loving others! Part 3

What do Isaac Newton’s third law of motion and the greatest biblical commandment have in common? Discover a biblical principle at work.

How Jesus summarizes the entire law of God into one simple command Part 2

Jewish tradition teaches that there are 613 different commandments in the Bible. That’s one long list of rules! More from our study in Mark chapter 12.

It’s all about love Part 1

A well-known band once sang, “all you need is love.” Turns out, they weren’t far off! Let's begin a brand new study in Mark chapter 12. Discover how Jesus takes every law and commandment, and boils it down into one simple concept!

Let’s turn to John chapter 11 and find that God has compassion for us in every situation! Part 4

When troubles pile up and we reach the end of our rope, we may start to wonder if God really cares about us. Let's talk honestly about those times when we doubt God’s love.

Discover God’s visible love for you, even in the midst of trials Part 2

The Bible defines faith as “trusting in what you cannot see.” But it’s hard to trust in God’s goodness when life is falling apart around us. Let's explore a passage in Scripture that offers us a fresh perspective on faith.

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