Category  |  God

Psalm 23 – for every season of life Part 1

The 23rd Psalm—it’s one of the most familiar passages in the Bible, and you’re invited to join us as we look at the Scripture. Psalm 23 is often recited at funerals, but it’s not just for those who are grieving, it can provide the comfort of Jesus, the Good Shepherd, in every season of life. Listen on "Discover the Word"!

A Message of Victory Part 5

Today on "Discover the Word," we will discuss the last verse of Psalm 22, where David ends his agonizing song about the suffering Messiah with a message of victory. The psalm concludes on a high note, “Posterity will serve Him; future generations will be told about the Lord. They will proclaim His righteousness to a people yet unborn, for He has done it!” The amazing way Psalm 22 describes a “suffering Savior”—listen today on "Discover the Word"!

Jesus, Fully Divine and Fully Human Part 3

Jesus was both fully divine and fully human. Which means He wasn’t immune to experiencing human emotions. Today on "Discover the Word," we will discuss the intensity of these emotions as David foretold in Psalm 22. Phrases like “I’m a worm . . . scorned by men . . . despised by people,” give us graphic word pictures of Christ’s very real distress on the cross.

When Jesus Felt Utterly Alone Part 2

We all need solitude sometimes. But we wouldn’t like it 24/7, especially if that solitude was a form of punishment. Yet even a prisoner in solitary confinement for a lifetime would not suffer as Jesus did. On the cross, God the Father turned His face from His only Son, leaving Jesus utterly alone. On "Discover the Word," we will talk about when Jesus was “deserted,” as foreshadowed in Psalm 22. Listen today to "Discover the Word"!

We can have the right theology, but the wrong belief Part 2

We all have a deep need to be accepted, but because we know ourselves too well, we have a tough time believing why anyone would. They might say they know God loves them, but how could He, really?

Discover why we are Beauty Full Beings Part 1

Statistics show that ninety-one percent of women don’t see themselves as beautiful. Yet when God created Adam and Eve, He said they were “very good.” Join us as we explore why, since the Fall, it’s so easy to believe the lie whispered to Eve, “If God loved you . . .”

Discover the importance of gentleness Part 6

To some, Jesus is a gentle lamb. To others, He’s a roaring lion. To the sinner in need of grace, Jesus’ strength was shown in His gentleness towards them. But to the religious leaders who were proud of their own righteousness, He was someone to be feared.

Expressing God's love to a lost world Part 2

"For God so loved the world" is a phrase we're used to hearing. Throughout the pages of the Bible, God speaks of His love and compassion for everyone. Don't miss this important discussion.

Finding our bearings when we feel forsaken by God Part 3

As strange as it seems, feeling forsaken by God is common to believers, but always painful. Join us today as we talk about finding our bearings by focusing on God's faithful deliverance in the past. What can we learn by looking back?

Discover God's promises in Psalm 91 Part 1

In Scripture, God seems to promise to protect and defend those who put their trust in Him. Yet Christians still get sick, deal with disaster, and go through trials. Join us today as we discover God's promises in Psalm 91 and how they apply to God's people.

How do we offer God’s love to others when we feel empty of it ourselves? Part 9

You can't give what you don't think you have. So how do we offer God's love to others when we feel empty of it ourselves? Today we discover how Naomi went from hollow emptiness to overflowing fullness!

How to leave a legacy that matters Part 5

The things we value, the words we say, the way we live -- it's all used to build a legacy for those we'll one day leave behind. Join us for our last study of Psalm 71.

Who is like the Lord? Part 4

You can compare apples to apples. Some people even compare apples to oranges to discover value. But how do you compare something that has no comparison? Today we study the impossible question: "Who is like the Lord?"

Let’s talk about how great God is! Part 3

"Great" is a rather worn-out word. We use it to describe everything from the truly awesome to the largely mundane. It is time to redeem the "greatness" of "great," especially when talking about God's incredible acts of love!

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