Category  |  God

How is God’s righteousness good news? Part 2

When we hear the phrase "God's righteousness," it could bring up some negative images. We can even picture an angry God looking to hammer us into submission! But today we will discuss why God's righteousness is worth sharing!

Psalm 71, the prayer of an old man Part 1

When you come to the end of your life, what final message would you like to leave your children, grandchildren, or the people you leave behind? Join us as we study an old man's prayer and the legacy he wanted to leave behind.

How can we mirror the faithfulness of God? Part 10

The goal of a Christian is to act more like Jesus with every passing day. The qualities Christ exhibited, we want to exhibit as well! It’s another discussion about the fruits of the Spirit.

Discover how we can present the gospel as good news! Part 5

If you read about a hostage who had been miraculously rescued after years of imprisonment, you’d likely say that’s good news! Tragically, not everyone feels the same way. Let's discuss various reactions to God’s story of redemption.

Discover how God’s love AND power relate to our redemption Part 4

It’s not enough to want to free someone who is being held captive, you need the ability to pull off such a daring rescue! Watch God’s plan unfold.

An eye-opening conversation about the truth and grace of Christ Part 5

Let's conclude a study on John chapter 8 and the story of the woman caught in adultery. What we’ll find in this passage is a remarkable display of both the truth and grace of Christ.

Be encouraged by how Jesus handles our sin with truth and grace Part 4

She had been caught red-handed. Exposed publicly for her sin of adultery, the woman in John 8 certainly didn’t expect any mercy from Jesus or the crowd.

Discover Jesus’ response to an impossible dilemma Part 3

From a human perspective, there was no good solution. Jesus shouldn’t forgive the woman caught in adultery, but He wouldn’t condemn her either! Our series in John chapter 8 continues.

An important discussion about the dangers of exploiting others Part 2

Ever notice how easy it is to mix up our priorities? It happens when we love things and use people, instead of loving people and using things!

Let’s turn to John chapter 8 and the account of the woman caught in adultery Part 1

Rather than help her privately, the religious leaders decided to use a broken woman to trap Jesus publicly! Don't miss the start of this dramatic story.

Discover the bright future God has for each of us! Part 10

There are times in life when our burdens and trials have drained us, and we feel like we cannot take another step. Discover biblical encouragement to keep going! Join the group for the final conversation in our series, "Unquenchable."

A moving story about God’s miraculous comfort in the midst of personal pain Part 9

Even into the most intense, fiery trials of our lives, God brings refreshing splashes of joy. Hear a real-life illustration of God’s love.

Discover how to have unquenchable faith in God Part 5

When we’re going through a fiery ordeal and our faith feels like it’s going to go out, how do we keep our passion for God alive? Discover the importance of remembering our past in order to survive our present trials.

Learn how to “embrace the power of embers” Part 3

We want to be a brightly burning fire for God every day. So when we cannot sustain that intensity, we end up feeling guilty. Discover why we don’t need to be on fire all the time to enjoy a passionate faith.

Watch what happens when God joins the fruitless discussion between Job and friends Part 8

Ever been involved in a dead-end conversation? It can happen when people talk at each other, rather than with each other. Watch what happens when God joins the conversation between Job and his friends.

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