Category  |  Strength

Old Testament prophets reveal God’s character Part 3

Today on "Discover the Word," we'll discuss how Old Testament prophets Elijah and Elisha both represent God’s nature. Elijah shows Him more as a God of judgment, while Elisha shows more of God’s merciful side. And flashing forward, we can also see both of them in Jesus, who would come to save people from the judgment they brought on themselves.

Who is like the Lord? Part 4

You can compare apples to apples. Some people even compare apples to oranges to discover value. But how do you compare something that has no comparison? Today we study the impossible question: "Who is like the Lord?"

Let’s talk about how great God is! Part 3

"Great" is a rather worn-out word. We use it to describe everything from the truly awesome to the largely mundane. It is time to redeem the "greatness" of "great," especially when talking about God's incredible acts of love!

Jesus’ call to the heavy-burdened, come and find a place of rest Part 1

Many of us still carry around the baggage of past disappointments, painful losses, and fresh failures. Feeling weighed down?

Discover that being wise actually means being trustworthy! Part 5

How would you describe a wise person? Is it someone who knows a lot? Maybe it’s a person with important things to say? We’re looking at another important aspect of wisdom.

Why inner strength is a wise quality for both men and women Part 4

It’s common to view “strength” as a manly characteristic. But Proverbs 31 tells us that women can be just as “mighty”! Our series on Proverbs 31 continues.

Find encouragement for parents in the process! Part 2

Parenting isn’t easy! This day-in-day-out job can leave even the strongest mom or dad weary. Let's compare and contrast God the Father and Jesus with an earthly father and son, and provide encouragement for parents.

How those tough seasons in our lives give us a greater compassion for others Part 9

Nothing deepens your relationship with the Lord like having Him walk through a difficult situation with you. Perhaps you’re going through a tough time right now. The group shares how they've grown closer to God through the trials in their lives.

Discover the healing found in surrender Part 8

How do we respond when a loved one doesn’t live up to our expectations? The Discover the Word group share personal experiences with letting go, and allowing Jesus to touch their family members’ hearts

How to see God’s goodness through the cracks of our family relationships Part 2

Maybe your family portrait isn’t what you thought it would be. And even when we try to touch up the picture of our home life, the flaws still show through. We’re talking about “The Beauty of Broken.”

An In-depth Study About The Showdown Between David And Goliath Part 5

Each of us has been gifted with certain skills and talents. And it’s when we use these gifts that God accomplishes great things through us.

Are Some Actions Unforgivable? Hear The Truth About Redemption Part 46

We all make mistakes. But perhaps you’re in a place where forgiveness doesn’t seem to be an option. The offense is just too great.

Do You Feel Like You’ve Got A Long Way To Go In Your Relationship With God? Part 76

When we see God consistently come through for us over time, our trust in Him grows. We aren’t expected to take huge leaps of faith early on . . . instead our faith grows over time.


What It Means To Call On The God Of The Universe Part 42

When we’re going through difficult times, doubt can cloud our view of God. Perhaps you’re dealing with some hard circumstances right now and don’t know where to turn. Need some encouragement?

An Honest Discussion About The Walk Of Faith Part 41

Unfortunately, Christians don’t live in a protective bubble. Trusting God doesn’t mean our problems disappear.

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