Category  |  Ministry

How Jesus crossed all boundaries in order to reach a single hurting person Part 2

People today are still divided across economic, ethnic, and religious lines. And there can be taboos about crossing those barriers. Let's learn from Jesus' example.

Encouragement For Those Struggling To Make It On Their Own Part 23

God doesn’t leave us to find our way through life on our own. He provides the Holy Spirit and the Bible to help lead us down the right paths.

Discover What It Means To Walk In The Spirit Part 22

The Bible is full of word pictures, examples that bring biblical concepts to life. It’s a great picture of our daily interaction with God.

Discover What It Means To Live And Walk In The Spirit Part 13

Do you know someone who acts like they’re better than everyone else? Perhaps they speak to people in a condescending way. Or they’re always finding fault in what those around them are doing.

Take A Practical Look At Bearing One Another’s Burdens Part 12

If someone you love is hurting, you want to do anything you can to help ease the pain. Let's continue our in-depth discussion on the fruit of the Spirit.

What It Means To Restore Someone To The Faith With Gentleness And Grace Part 11

When you encounter someone who’s made a mistake, do you extend grace? Or stand in judgment?

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