An important discussion about the dangers of exploiting others Part 2
Ever notice how easy it is to mix up our priorities? It happens when we love things and use people, instead of loving people and using things!
Let’s turn to John chapter 8 and the account of the woman caught in adultery Part 1
Rather than help her privately, the religious leaders decided to use a broken woman to trap Jesus publicly! Don't miss the start of this dramatic story.
How Jesus crossed all boundaries in order to reach a single hurting person Part 2
People today are still divided across economic, ethnic, and religious lines. And there can be taboos about crossing those barriers. Let's learn from Jesus' example.
Why baptism is more than an individual commitment, it’s a communal declaration! Part 5
Have you ever noticed that baptism is always a public event? You never hear of someone baptizing themselves in the bathtub!
Discover how to live like sons and daughters of the King! Part 4
We may believe we’re cherished children of God. But do we live like it? Do you need to be reminded of your identity in Christ?
Embracing God’s transformative work in the traditions we practice Part 2
Baptism can be a powerful declaration of faith. But take God out of the equation, and baptism becomes simply an empty ritual. Gain a new perspective.
Find out that it’s not about what we can do, but who we trust for our salvation Part 3
What do I have to do to get into heaven? It’s a question men and women have been asking for centuries. Our study of the rich young ruler continues.
Discover insight into the identity of Jesus Part 2
Some people aren’t willing to admit that Jesus is the perfect Son of God. But they may agree that Jesus was a good teacher. Why we can’t call Jesus “good” without calling Him “Lord.”
Jesus’ interaction with a sick child and a worried dad struggling to have faith Part 3
When our son or daughter is sick all we want to do is take away their pain. We try to soothe the sickness away. But sometimes the illness is so severe, we’re rendered helpless.
Find encouragement for parents in the process! Part 2
Parenting isn’t easy! This day-in-day-out job can leave even the strongest mom or dad weary. Let's compare and contrast God the Father and Jesus with an earthly father and son, and provide encouragement for parents.
Let’s turn to God’s Word for some insight on what makes a good dad Part 1
Being a dad is a tough job. It seems everyone has a different opinion on what qualities make up a good father. Hear a study in Mark chapter 9.
Discover ways to help those who are hurting Part 5
You may not recognize it immediately, but it’s entirely possible that the person standing right next to you is really struggling. It starts with being willing dispensers of God’s grace.
Discover how to accept comfort from the Lord, and extend comfort to others Part 4
Where is God when painful circumstances lay us low? We can see God’s response to pain and suffering through the way Jesus interacted with the people around Him.