A Discussion On The Heart Of Faith--trusting In Jesus Christ Part 27
Do you have a conversion story? Is there a specific moment in your past where you accepted Jesus into your life? Or was your faith a process? A series of events? Whether your beliefs took shape over time or in an instant . . .
An Insightful Look At Practical Issues Part 24
When you think of someone as a radical, what do you mean? The dictionary defines radical as something basic or fundamental. It comes from the Latin word meaning "root." Would it be an overstatement to say that someone with a genuine faith in Jesus Christ must be a radical?
Astounding Insight Into God's Character Part 23
When you think of someone as a radical, what do you mean? The dictionary defines radical as something basic or fundamental. It comes from the Latin word meaning "root." Would it be an overstatement to say that someone with a genuine faith in Jesus Christ must be a radical?
A Whole New Meaning To Having A Radical Faith Part 22
When you think of someone as a radical, what do you mean? The dictionary defines radical as something basic or fundamental. It comes from the Latin word meaning "root." Would it be an overstatement to say that someone with a genuine faith in Jesus Christ must be a radical?
Abraham's Life Of Faithfulness Part 21
The entire story of Abraham featured in Hebrews 11 and developed in Genesis is framed by security and insecurity. Can you sense in your own walk with God the forces of insecurity and security playing up against each other?
Decisions Require Faith Part 20
The entire story of Abraham featured in Hebrews 11 and developed in Genesis is framed by security and insecurity. Can you sense in your own walk with God the forces of insecurity and security playing up against each other?
Guidance From The Bible For The Road Ahead Part 19
Can you sense in your own walk with God the forces of insecurity and security playing up against each other?
Examining God's Grace In Light Of Our Weaknesses And Insecurities Part 18
Do you find security through your faith in Jesus Christ? How? Do you feel insecurity because of your faith in Jesus Christ? Why?
Uncovering The True God Of Grace Part 17
Grace is unmerited favor, undeserved kindness. In spite of all our failings, God still pours out His love on us. Grace is what makes God, a God of second chances.
An Honest Look At Family Life Part 16
The people of faith are not without flaws. To help listeners understand that those whom God works with are at best very imperfect people.