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The Place of Testing

Programs in Series 5

Growth and maturity come only with the passing of time and in the presence of…

Jesus’ call to the heavy-burdened, come and find a place of rest Part 1

Many of us still carry around the baggage of past disappointments, painful losses, and fresh failures. Feeling weighed down?

Let’s turn to God’s Word for some insight on what makes a good dad Part 1

Being a dad is a tough job. It seems everyone has a different opinion on what qualities make up a good father. Hear a study in Mark chapter 9.

Discover how unforeseen challenges can bring us closer to the Lord Part 2

Ever had a painful trial or difficult circumstance come out of nowhere and bring you to your knees? No one likes being blindsided by life! We’ll see it play out in the life of a man named “Malchus.”

Discover reasons to rejoice even when life is falling apart Part 12

A happy family. A fulfilling career. A fruitful ministry. It’s easy to be grateful for things that go well. Being thankful for the events that turn our life upside down, now that’s tough! A study on “The Beauty of Broken.”

Perspective that can help you see “The Beauty of Broken” Part 9

When our son wanders off course, or our daughter makes poor decisions, we may wonder if they have completely missed God’s plan for their life. Offering hope and encouragement for worried moms and dads.

An Insightful Look At Practical Issues Part 24

When you think of someone as a radical, what do you mean? The dictionary defines radical as something basic or fundamental. It comes from the Latin word meaning "root." Would it be an overstatement to say that someone with a genuine faith in Jesus Christ must be a radical?

Abraham's Life Of Faithfulness Part 21

The entire story of Abraham featured in Hebrews 11 and developed in Genesis is framed by security and insecurity. Can you sense in your own walk with God the forces of insecurity and security playing up against each other?

Examining God's Grace In Light Of Our Weaknesses And Insecurities Part 18

Do you find security through your faith in Jesus Christ? How? Do you feel insecurity because of your faith in Jesus Christ? Why?

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