Category  |  Consequences

God’s mercy stops the consequences we deserve Part 2

We suffer because of sin and we sin to relieve our suffering. It’s an unhealthy cycle that has disastrous consequences. And today on "Discover the Word," we, along with our special guest Robert Gelinas, discuss how only God’s mercy can stop the full domino effect that would take place if we all suffered the consequences of what we deserve. Don’t miss part two of a series on “The Mercy Prayer.”

Be encouraged by how Jesus handles our sin with truth and grace Part 4

She had been caught red-handed. Exposed publicly for her sin of adultery, the woman in John 8 certainly didn’t expect any mercy from Jesus or the crowd.

Managing our inner struggles with the Lord Part 11

It was the most lopsided fight in human history. Did Jacob actually believe he had a chance against the God of the universe? Let's talk about wrestling with God. We’ll learn from Jacob’s example how to manage our own inner struggles with the Lord.

Catch a glimpse of God’s greater plan for our lives Part 9

Stuck in the moment, it can be difficult to see what God is doing in our lives. But if we widen our perspective, we may catch a glimpse of God’s greater plan! Let's look at the bigger picture in the life of Jacob. In the midst of chaos, God was building his future.

Let’s look at why every family needs the healing touch of the Savior Part 7

Whether it’s a troubled marriage, rebellious children, or generational sin, we may think our brokenness is unusual for a Christian family. Discover that family fractures are typical in every home! Let's look at "The Beauty of Broken."

How embracing the pain can open us to more of God’s love and healing Part 4

Has a broken relationship left a hole in your heart? Perhaps a recent hurt has crushed your defenses. Don’t miss this encouraging discussion.

Discover the God who understands what it is like to be broken Part 1

In the midst of broken families and shattered relationships, we often feel completely alone. As if no one understands the pain and hurt we’re experiencing. God knows exactly what it is like to be broken!

Let’s turn our attention to the flawed and vulnerable leader named Samson Part 1

The men and women found in Scripture can act as mirrors. The more we gaze at them . . . the more we see ourselves, and our desperate need for a Savior! Join us for a brand-new series.

Is There A Critical Difference Between Self-respect And Self-righteousness? Part 63

God has gifted each one of us with talents and skills. But when we start comparing our gifts to those around us, we run the risk of becoming jealous, and sometimes proud.

Reflecting On The Well-known Story Of The Prodigal Son Part 18

Whether you have a son or daughter who has left the faith, or you can relate to the son who stayed at home, the profound teaching of the Prodigal Son has struck a chord in men and women’s hearts for centuries.

Examine How The Account Of David In The Bible Impacts Our Lives Today Part 29

Stories have a way of communicating more than just words. They enlighten our own experiences and let us step into the experiences of others.

The Life Of David, A Man After God’s Own Heart Part 1

Most likely you’ve heard the story of David and Goliath. But did you know that one boy with a slingshot grew up to be the greatest king of ancient Israel? 

A Man God Used In A Profound And Dramatic Way Part 48

The judges described in the Bible are different than the ones we think of today, presiding over a court of law. Let's meet one of the Old Testament judges.

The Reality Of Forgiveness . . . And The Consequences Of Taking Your Own Path Part 47

Was there a time in your life when you chose to follow your own way instead of God’s? It’s possible you’re struggling with some life-changing decisions right now.

Feel Like You’re Beyond Redemption? Part 43

We’ve all made mistakes we regret. Perhaps you’re living out the consequences of a recent decision. But hope is not lost! Let us introduce you to the “God of second chances.”

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