Category  |  New Testament

Let’s unravel a puzzling statement that Jesus made about being rich Part 5

You don’t have to be a tailor to know that a camel won’t fit through the eye of a needle. But according to Jesus, that’s easier than someone who is wealthy getting into heaven!

Find out that it’s not about what we can do, but who we trust for our salvation Part 3

What do I have to do to get into heaven? It’s a question men and women have been asking for centuries. Our study of the rich young ruler continues.

Discover insight into the identity of Jesus Part 2

Some people aren’t willing to admit that Jesus is the perfect Son of God. But they may agree that Jesus was a good teacher. Why we can’t call Jesus “good” without calling Him “Lord.”

Uncover The Profound Meaning For Your Life, Found In The Parables Of Jesus Part 3

Luke chapter 15 is a rich biblical passage, a record of Jesus’ profound stories, and timeless lessons on life.

Let’s Go Back In Time To A Meal Jesus Shared With The Pharisees Part 2

What would it be like to have Jesus as a guest in your home? Would He stay for dinner, maybe a cup of coffee?

Examine The Pros And Cons Of Some Popular Bible Study Tools Part 40

Being a student of the Bible is essential for the follower of Christ. But even the most knowledgeable scholar occasionally comes across a difficult passage.

How To Accurately Interpret The Figurative Language Used In The Bible Part 36

We use figurative speech all the time to help emphasize a point we’re trying to get across. We’d recognize a touch of exaggeration in a statement like “She’s been gone forever,” and interpret it without hesitation.

The Use Of Figurative Language In The Bible, And How To Interpret It Effectively Part 35

When you hear the expression “It’s raining cats and dogs,” you don’t run to the window expecting to see animals falling from the sky! It’s just a figure of speech—common to our modern English language.

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