Category  |  Bible Study

Marking Time To Make Time

Are you frustrated because your life doesn't seem to be going anywhere? In this message by Haddon Robinson, learn from an event in the life of the Old Testament man Joseph how sometimes with God, the shortest distance to where He wants you to go involves going around in a circle. Haddon also gives some fascinating history of how the…

How to Read the Bible for All It's Worth

Do you often find the Bible a difficult book to understand when you read it? Listen to this conversation Haddon Robinson had with author Doug Stuart that will help you begin to know how to read the Bible for all it's worth.

Forgiveness is costly, but not forgiving can cost even more Part 34

It’s not easy to forgive someone who’s violated your relationship. Let's conclude our discussion on forgiveness.

Let’s talk about forgiveness and boundaries Part 33

It’s one thing to forgive someone for the hurt they’ve caused, but if the offender puts you, or your loved ones, in an unsafe position, that’s an entirely different story.

Discover the most appropriate response of a truly forgiven person Part 32

Forgiveness is a fundamental expression of the Christian faith. We’ll be reminded that the most appropriate response of a truly forgiven person is to extend forgiveness to others!

Discover the biblical mandate of mercy Part 31

Sometimes it’s painful to grant forgiveness. Perhaps you’ve struggled to forgive someone who’s deeply hurt you or a loved one.

Forgiving someone who hasn’t repented Part 30

Some mistakes are so awful, so egregious, forgiveness seems out of the question. Alice Mathews shares a personal tragedy, and raises some tough questions about forgiving someone who hasn’t repented.

Uncovering the truth behind restoring relationships Part 29

Forgiveness and reconciliation take a lot of endurance and courage. But through the grace of God, restoration is possible!

Discover the power in the loving, forgiving life of a follower of Christ Part 28

It’s not uncommon, when we’ve been hurt, to respond by lashing out, to crave retribution for the pain that’s been caused. But God says there’s a better way.

How to find freedom from bitterness in hurtful situations Part 27

What happens when someone has wounded you deeply, and you’ve confronted them, but they won’t acknowledge the pain they’ve caused?

How repentance plays a key role in our ability to forgive Part 26

Is forgiveness unconditional? Join the “Discover the Word” team along with a special guest, as they discuss the timely topic of repentance and forgiveness.

Experiencing Christ’s forgiveness and extending it to others Part 25

There are times when forgiveness seems impossible. You may be in a fractured relationship right now, unsure if things can be mended.

Discover the importance of repenting when we’re wrong, and forgiving when we’ve been wronged Part 24

Within the church family, there’s potential for deep love, and deep pain.

In order to understand forgiveness we need to be clear about what is, and is not sin Part 23

In Luke chapter seventeen, verse four, Jesus says if someone sins against you, and repents, you’re to forgive them.

An in-depth look at what it means to forgive Part 22

Jesus was clear, we need to be forgiving people. But often that’s easier said than done!

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