Category  |  Bible Study

A thought-provoking teaching on the Beatitudes Part 12

The Beatitudes start with a rich and complex phrase, “Blessed are the poor in spirit.” This concept is far from simple!

Nuances of the word blessed, and bringing its richness to light Part 11

Translating the Bible from Greek and Hebrew into English is a daunting task. Some English words just don’t do the original context justice!

Matthew chapter 5 and how it should impact our lives today Part 10

If you’ve attended church for any length of time, you’ve likely heard mention of the Beatitudes. But what does that term really mean? And why are these words from Jesus so important?

Passages in the Sermon on the Mount that may be mistaken as contradictory Part 9

Have you ever heard the criticism that the Bible is full of contradictions? Some people disregard the Scriptures because of that notion.

Find hope for your faith journey Part 8

The Sermon on the Mount defines a standard we can never reach on our own. But this important teaching isn’t intended to lead us into failure! Its purpose is to lead us to Jesus Christ!

The implications of becoming a citizen of God’s kingdom Part 7

As a follower of God, our loyalty is first and foremost to His ruling. And oftentimes, living out our faith is countercultural!

Living out our faith in a fallen world Part 6

When we read Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount, we may even wonder if it’s realistic to achieve in our culture today. Let's discuss this fascinating tension.

A thought provoking discussion on Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount Part 5

When Jesus came to earth, He didn’t do things the way people expected. But according to the “Discover the Word” team, Jesus not only set God’s kingdom in motion, He still reigns in our hearts today!

Insight into the true application of the Sermon on the Mount Part 4

Opinions vary on what Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount is supposed to mean for us today. Let's look at the common misuses of this teaching.

Discover Jesus’ teachings to the disciples Part 3

Everyone has an opinion on the best way to govern a country, and some have even looked to Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount for answers to political upheaval. Let's study Jesus’ teachings to the disciples and find it wasn’t intended for use in the political arena.

A new study on Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount Part 2

A lot of people assume they’ll make it into heaven on account of the good they’ve done. Let's discuss the implications of using Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount as a measuring stick for life.

Beginning a new series of study in the book of Matthew Part 1

Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount represents the heart of much of His teaching, and it’s applicable even today!

Scripture passages that focus on the comfort and peace God gives each of us Part 15

The hopeful conclusion to the team’s study on the subject of grief.

Finding help and hope for those on the lonely journey of grief Part 14

There is hope in the face of death. Experience a portrayal of Martha, a woman in the Bible who learned an important lesson about grief after her brother passed away.

Keeping the right thing at the center of your life, and guarding it well Part 13

What’s at the center of your life? Is it your relationship with God? With your family? Perhaps your career?

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