Category  |  Bible Study

A Step-by-step Process To Unveil The Clear And Beautiful Message In A Psalm Part 16

Poetry is like a jigsaw puzzle. Sometimes it’s hard to make out a clear picture of the poem unless you understand how each line fits together. Listen for tips on how to get more from your Bible reading.

How To Break Down Bible Passages Into Easy-to-understand Pieces Part 15

Sometimes the Bible can be difficult to decipher . . . especially when Hebrew poetry is involved. And yet . . . much of the Old Testament contains poetic language.

Let’s Explore Psalm 23 Part 14

Reading the Bible is an integral part of the Christian faith. But when you don’t understand what the biblical writer is trying to communicate . . . reading can become more frustrating than fruitful. In a well-loved portion of Scripture see familiar words in a fresh new way.

How Personal Interpretation Plays Into Our Bible Reading Part 13

Think about how many words you read every day. Most likely, you’re constantly taking in advertisements, newspaper articles and e-mails. Well, you might not realize that every time you glance over a note or a memo, you’re interpreting each word.

Master The Skill Of Biblical Interpretation Part 12

If you play sports, you know that it takes a lot of practice to get better. You’re out there on the court every week, maybe even every day, to improve your skills. Well, it’s the same idea with studying the Bible. We may not work up a sweat, but we’ve got to take time to practice.

Enjoy The Best Loved Poem In All The Scriptures . . . Psalm 23 Part 11

So . . . do you read much poetry? In today’s fast-paced world, not many of us have time to slow down and savor a well-written verse.

Getting First-things-first In Bible Study Part 10

The Bible study group on “Discover the Word” meets every day to help you know how to understand the Scriptures and you're invited to join them. In fact, grab a cup of coffee, bring your Bible and get ready for a lively conversation.

A Dynamic Story Of Friendship, Betrayal, And Reconciliation Part 9

In the New Testament, there’s a little letter from Paul to Philemon. It’s often overlooked in the larger study of the Bible . . . let's open up this letter to reveal a New Testament treasure!

There’s Help In Getting The Most From God’s Word Part 8

Did you ever have to do a book review for school? Most likely, there was a specific method you used to get the most from the novel. Take the process of that school project . . . and translate it into the lifelong journey to read the books of the Bible.

Do You Want To Understand The Bible Better? Part 7

Suppose you decided to drive across the country. The most valuable tool you’ll use is a road map. Now, suppose you’re reading through the Bible. What’s your plan for getting from cover to cover? Get a head start and learn the best way to navigate the Scriptures.

Getting Back To A Right Understanding Of The Bible Part 6

Flip back through the pages of a history book. You’ll read of generations who twisted the message of the Bible . . . took it out of context . . . and caused a lot of damage. Let's unpack the phrase, "A biblical passage can never mean what it never meant."

Which Bible Translation Should You Choose? Part 5

At any Christian bookstore, you’ll find an entire shelf full of Bible translations. There’s the New International Version, the New King James, the Phillips . . . and many more! Compare translations . . . and get the basic tools you need for studying the Bible.

The Process Of Biblical Translation . . . And The Benefits Of Each Version Part 4

You’re sitting down with a cup of coffee, watching the morning sun out your window . . . and you pick up the Bible. Whether you’re aware of it or not, one of the most important parts in this quiet time . . . is the Bible translation you’re holding.

Expressing Grace And Mercy Through Reproof And Rebuke Part 12

When a member of a congregation chooses to defy God . . . it may be necessary to express grace and mercy through reproof and rebuke. Guidance is offered on how to get through those difficult moments.

Does The Bible Impact Your Life? Part 11

Is the Bible a mere relic in your home? Perhaps gathering dust on a shelf? Second Timothy 3:16 says, “All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness.

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