Discover Practical Tools For Getting The Most Out Of Bible Study Part 17
So often we read a portion of Scripture, and jump right to application. But in the process we misinterpret the text. Let's get the most out of personal and group Bible study.
The Heartfelt Psalms Of Fellow Listeners Part 19
Hear several inspirational psalms . . . written, not by David . . . but by radio listeners just like you! All of us have a psalm hidden in our hearts just waiting to be written.
Getting First-things-first In Bible Study Part 10
The Bible study group on “Discover the Word” meets every day to help you know how to understand the Scriptures and you're invited to join them. In fact, grab a cup of coffee, bring your Bible and get ready for a lively conversation.
A Dynamic Story Of Friendship, Betrayal, And Reconciliation Part 9
In the New Testament, there’s a little letter from Paul to Philemon. It’s often overlooked in the larger study of the Bible . . . let's open up this letter to reveal a New Testament treasure!