Category  |  Gratitude

Why God chose David as king over Israel Part 3

David wasn’t the first choice in his family to be Israel’s king. Was he overlooked because he was so young? Or because they needed him out in the field, tending sheep? Whatever the reason, it’s clear God chose David to be the next king because of what He saw inside of him, not what was on the outside. Don’t miss the conversation with our guest Crystal Bowman. That’s today on "Discover the Word."

Doing what we can with what we've been given Part 5

Today on "Discover the Word," we conclude week one of the discussion on doing what we can for Jesus with what we’ve been given. Today’s discussion contrasts the two women whose act of passionate devotion for Jesus led them both to anoint Him with perfume. One woman, Mary of Bethany, did this out of love with the purpose of preparing Jesus’ body for burial. The other woman anointed her Savior in grateful response to having been forgiven.

An extravagant act of devotion Part 4

Today on "Discover the Word," we discuss Mary of Bethany’s extravagant act of devotion in anointing Jesus with expensive perfume. Knowingly or unknowingly, she was preparing Jesus’ body for burial. It was a risky and appropriate act of love. Mary used what she had to invest in His life when He needed it the most. And that should be an example to each of us. The “what” of “She Did What She Could,” today on "Discover the Word"!

Living loved Part 3

How often do we talk about doing good for others, but then never act on it? Today on "Discover the Word," we will talk about how Mary of Bethany was a woman who “lived loved.” As a result she found the courage to step up at a pivotal moment in Christ’s life, giving Him comfort when He needed it the most. She did. “She Did What She Could” continues today on "Discover the Word"!

A passionate worshiper Part 2

Mary of Bethany was an ordinary woman. But there was nothing ordinary about any woman in the male-dominated culture of that day sitting at the feet of a Jewish rabbi! Today on "Discover the Word," we discuss the extraordinary decision by God to “pick a girl” as a person that history would hold up as an example of a passionate worshiper of Jesus. Join us today on "Discover the Word"!

Mary of Bethany: she did what she could Part 1

In the story of Mary and the alabaster jar in Mark 14, Jesus says, “She did what she could.” It’s a story about an act of devotion that was actually reasonable in light of Mary’s deep love for Jesus. You’re invited to join the group on "Discover the Word" as we begin the discussion on Mary of Bethany and how her life speaks to us today.

How to gain wisdom when handling both victories and losses with grace Part 9

No matter how smart we are, we won’t win every argument. So how can we be humble when we win and gracious when we lose? Let's study the book of Job.

Discover how it's our very brokenness that makes us candidates for serving the Lord Part 15

Ever feel like all the flaws in your family history make you ineligible for God’s work? Maybe you’ve heard God’s call for your life, but don’t feel qualified to accept. It's the conclusion of the series “The Beauty of Broken.”

How the fractured parts of our families bring us closer to God Part 3

When a prized possession in our home shatters, we’re prone to simply throw away the pieces. Thankfully, that’s not what God does with broken things! Looking to put the pieces back together in your family?

Discover A Fresh Perspective On Your Occupation Part 43

For many, work is drudgery. It puts the food on the table, but doesn’t satisfy the inner need for purpose in our souls. Looking for energy to get through your daily assignments? Feel a little confused about the future?

An Invitation For Us To Offer Our Work In Worship To God Part 23

Perhaps your daily tasks seem menial in the grand scheme of things. Well, you don’t have to work in a church or a ministry to serve God!

What It Takes And Doesn’t Take To Get Into Heaven Part 12

Some people seem to have it all together, but what about one minute after they die?

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