Category  |  Attitudes

A freeing study about making do with less Part 7

The boxes of stuff that fill our attic, consume our garage, or clutter our basement, can fill the empty spaces in our home, but they can't fill the empty spaces in our life. Let us explore the biblical way to gain more by making do with less.

Let’s take a biblical look at contentment Part 6

All the billboards, commercials, and advertisements that surround us are very good at telling us what we need to have. But how much is truly enough? Let's talk about the pull of materialism, and whether it’s right to want more.

What legacy will you leave your loved ones? Part 5

You’ll never see a hearse pulling a U-Haul! That’s because when we die, we leave all that we have behind! Let's talk about finding contentment in the legacy we leave behind. What will you leave your loved ones when you pass on?

What is the secret to contentment? Part 4

The truth is, there’s only one thing you need to become perfectly content. Once you obtain this one thing, you’ll always be satisfied. What is the secret to contentment? Here’s a hint: it’s not any material possession!

A biblical look at satisfaction regardless of our situation Part 3

It’s easy to feel satisfied when life is good. But when circumstances take a difficult turn, contentment can fly out the window! Let's explore the apostle Paul’s secret to contentment in every circumstance.

Learning to be content in who you are Part 2

Are you feeling a bit restless? Do you feel a lack of personal satisfaction and purpose in your life? Discover the personal satisfaction we can have when we realize our true identity.

We can be content even if we don’t have it all! Part 1

Every day we’re bombarded by advertisements pointing out all the things we lack. The enticing commercials can make satisfaction an elusive feeling. What we have is not what makes us whole.

Discover how kindness is actually a substantial quality we can really sink our teeth into! Part 8

“The fruit of kindness” sounds a bit mushy, doesn’t it? Of all the godly fruit to cultivate, kindness seems to be the weakest of the bunch. More from our study on the fruit of the Spirit.

Discover biblical ways to cultivate patience Part 7

Whether it’s standing in line, waiting in the doctor’s office, or putting up with people who push our buttons, we have plenty of opportunities to develop patience. But it still seems to be the hardest fruit of the Spirit to grow! It’s an important fruit for spiritual health!

Gain an appreciation for the biblical characteristic of peace Part 6

We tend to think peace is the absence of conflict. But what if peace is quiet confidence in the midst of daily struggles? Let's explore another fruit of the Spirit found in Galatians 5.

Discover how to develop the fruit of the Spirit in your life Part 3

Love, joy, peace, patience; just a few of the fruits of the Spirit that we want more of in our lives. But how do we go about developing these qualities? Discover sound wisdom on biblical gardening. And the first step is to let God do the planting!

Discover ways to help those who are hurting Part 5

You may not recognize it immediately, but it’s possible that the person standing right next to you is wounded, broken, or struggling. Let's be willing dispensers of God’s grace. Hear a “best of” conversation from last year.

Hope for dark times is found in knowing our place in God’s redemption story! Part 2

The Bible tells us Jesus came to rescue us from the oppressive powers of sin and death. So why do we often feel like we’re still held captive?

Jesus’ offer to join Him in His ministry of compassion Part 5

Two thousand years ago, Jesus began a movement that fed the hungry, comforted the hurting, and offered grace to the brokenhearted. Ready to get involved? Our study in Matthew 9 concludes .

Let’s ponder Jesus’ request for workers Part 4

Face-to-face with the desperate needs of people we know, we might pray that God brings them comfort. But could God be asking us to be the ones to meet their need? Are we willing to say, “Lord, send me”?

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